Theatre & Drama Past Performances

The Department of Theatre & Drama, in collaboration with University Productions (the producing arm of SMTD), presents four to five fully-mounted mainstage shows each year, with casts comprised entirely of acting majors. Theatre Design & Production and BTA majors work as stage managers, dramaturgs, shop assistants, and technicians for each mainstage production, and advanced D&P students may be selected to design costumes, sets, or lighting for these productions.

Below is a list of the theatre & drama productions that have been previously performed at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance.

Recent Productions

The view from an orchard in blossom with a somber tree stump at center.

The Cherry Orchard

Department of Theatre & Drama
Arthur Miller Theatre
April 2024

Arbor Falls

Department of Theatre & Drama
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
February 2024


Imogen Says Nothing

Department of Theatre & Drama
The Power Center
November 2023

Intimate Apparel

Department of Theatre & Drama
Arthur Miller Theatre
October 2023

A vintage-style postcard that reads "Greetings from Hell" on a bright yellow background witht the text Orpheus in the Underworld and performance details.


Department of Theatre & Drama
Arthur Miller Theatre
April 2023

Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding are Induced to Murder

Department of Theatre & Drama
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
February 2023

Nathan Goldberg performs with other actors on a blue-lit forest scene on stage

The Heart of Robin Hood

Department of Theatre & Drama
The Power Center
November 2022

Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow

Department of Theatre & Drama
Arthur Miller Theatre
October 2022

Past Productions List

2020-21 Season

2019-20 Season

2018-19 Season

  • Night and Day
  • Twelfth Night
  • Love and Information
  • Flint

2017-18 Season

  • The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
  • Blood at the Root
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • You For Me For You
  • Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

2016-17 Season

  • Ah, Wilderness!
  • Peter and the Starcatcher
  • Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play
  • Insurrection: Holding History

2015-16 Season

  • All My Sons
  • The Arabian Nights
  • Henry IV, Part I
  • Clybourne Park
  • The Imaginary Invalid

2014-15 Season

  • Good Kids
  • Fuente Ovejuna
  • Stupid F###ing Bird
  • Iphigenia at Aulis

2013-14 Season

  • Red Noses
  • Three Sisters
  • The Comedy of Errors
  • Hay Fever
  • Marisol

2012-13 Season

  • Almost, Maine
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • The Skin of our Teeth
  • August: Osage County

2011-12 Season

  • Suddenly Last Summer
  • Trumpets & Raspberries
  • The Beaux’ Stratagem
  • Noises Off
  • Cloud 9

2010-11 Season

  • Pentecost
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Arms and the Man
  • The Crucible

2009-10 Season

  • Tartuffe
  • Uncommon Women and Others
  • Macbeth
  • Our Town
  • Trafford Tanzi

2008-09 Season

  • Madmen and Specialists
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • The Show-Off
  • Jonesin’

2007-08 Season

  • Our Lady of 121st Street
  • Two by Fassbinder – Pre-Paradise Sorry Now and Katzelmacher
  • J.B.
  • As You Like It
  • You Never Can Tell

2006-07 Season

  • The Cradle Will Rock
  • You Can’t Take it With You
  • She Stoops to Conquer
  • Playing for Time – Grand Opening of the Arthur Miller Theatre

2005-06 Season

  • 1918
  • The Laramie Project
  • A Flea in Her Ear
  • The Gold Diggers
  • The Burial at Thebes

2004-05 Season

  • In Arabia We’d All Be Kings
  • The Rover
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • The Hot L Baltimore

2003-04 Season

  • Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)
  • The Diary of a Scoundrel or Too Clever by Half
  • The Nutcracker
  • The Quick-Change Room
  • An Arthur Miller Celebration

2002-03 Season

  • The Imaginary Invalid
  • Don’t Dress for Dinner
  • Hamlet
  • A Streetcar Named Desire
  • After a Fashion

2001-02 Season

  • The Good Person of Szechwan
  • The Secret Rapture
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • The Tavern
  • The Balcony

2000-01 Season

  • A View From the Bridge
  • Lysistrata
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Tempest – Revival
  • The Heiress
  • Measure for Measure