Opera Past Performances

The Department of Voice & Opera performs two fully-staged operas each year – one in the fall and one in the spring – in collaboration with University Productions (the producing arm of SMTD). These performances are of the highest caliber, and include both classics from every language and innovative, new works.

Below is a list of operas that have been previously performed at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance.

Recent Productions

A vintage-style postcard that reads "Greetings from Hell" on a bright yellow background witht the text Orpheus in the Underworld and performance details.

Hänsel und Gretel

Department of Voice & Opera with the University Symphony Orchestra
The Power Center
November 2024

A vintage-style postcard that reads "Greetings from Hell" on a bright yellow background witht the text Orpheus in the Underworld and performance details.

Elizabeth Cree

Department of Voice & the University Philharmonia Orchestra
Mendelssohn Theatre
March 2024

A vintage-style postcard that reads "Greetings from Hell" on a bright yellow background witht the text Orpheus in the Underworld and performance details.

Orpheus in the Underworld (Orphée aux enfers)

Department of Voice & the University Symphony Orchestra
The Power Center
November 2023

Don Giovanni

Department of Voice & the University Philharmonia Orchestra
Mendelssohn Theatre
March 2023


The Cunning Little Vixen

Department of Voice & the University Symphony Orchestra
The Power Center
November 2022

SMTD’s Production of “The Cunning Little Vixen” Earns Top Honors from the National Opera Association

Cinderella (Cendrillon)

Department of Voice & the University Symphony Orchestra
The Power Center
November 2021