October 22, 2024 | 7:15 pm
[Cancelled] Pre-Concert Lecture: University Choir
Free - no tickets required
There will be no Pre-Concert Lecture prior to this University Choir performance. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Performances & Events
October 22, 2024 | 8:00 pm
Hill AuditoriumFree - no tickets required
Visiting professor of choral music, Dr. Reed Criddle, leads the University Choir in a program that focuses on the sublime and the heavenly, highlighting several British and American composers.
Guest conductor and alum Dr. Reed Criddle (DMA ‘11) serves as a visiting professor and visiting associate director of choirs for the fall semester. Criddle is a professor of music and director of choral activities at Utah Valley University.
Jonathan Dove, Seek Him that Maketh the Stars
Finzi, Seven pastoral partsongs: Clear and gentle stream
Jester Hairston, Wade in the Water
Ned Rorem, Tears from From an Unknown Past
Henk Badings, Trois Chansons Bretonnes: 1. Nuit en mer
Margaret Bonds, The Negro Speaks of Rivers
Ringwald, Deep River
Moira Smiley, Stand in that river
Ron Staheli, Peace like a river