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SMTD Update on Stay In Place Order

Oct 20, 2020 | Faculty, News, Staff, Students, Wellness

Email from Dear Gier to SMTD students with information regarding the Washtenaw County Stay In Place order of October 20, 2020.

Dear SMTD Students,

Today, we learned that the University, in close partnership with the Washtenaw County Health Department, has issued a 14-day Stay In Place Order to mitigate the rise in COVID cases on our campus.I am writing to update you on how the order impacts your activity at SMTD.  Please note that while the county health department order applies to undergraduates, our policies, outlined below, include both graduate and undergraduate students.

Academic/Course Updates
The Stay-In-Place order stipulates that “all classes that are substantially enhanced by in-person instruction due to the nature of the instruction or space or equipment needs will continue to be taught in person.”  This applies to SMTD courses currently being taught in-person.  Instructors of in-person courses will be in touch with students to confirm that their courses will continue meeting in-person, or move to remote instruction for the remainder of the semester.

Please know that continuing to attend an in-person class or activity is up to you, and students will not be penalized for choosing a remote option. For classes continuing in person, students will be provided with remote options to ensure academic progress.  We ask that you work directly with your instructors should you choose to move to remote instruction for the remainder of the semester. 

Please direct any questions about academic progress to Deedee Ulintz. 

Facilities Use
SMTD facilities will remain open for activity related to academic progress. Practice rooms and rehearsal spaces will continue to be open. We ask that you continue to comply with all aspects of the SMTD safety plan. 

For questions regarding facilities use, please contact Ben Thauland. 

Additional Resources
We know that this may be a time of great stress for all of our students. During this time, if you need assistance, if you have specific concerns, or if you are generally in need of support, we are here for you. 

For general assistance or support, please contact the following:

Kate Fitzpatrick, Acting Associate Dean of Academic Undergraduate Affairs
Jason Corey, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Julio Cardona, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Human Resources, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Anita Gonzalez, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs


Dean Gier


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