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School of Music, Theatre & Dance Faculty Promotions

May 26, 2022 | Awards & Accolades, Faculty, News

On May 19, 2022, the University of Michigan Board of Regents approved recommendations for promotions for regular associate and full professor ranks, including several SMTD faculty. 

Congratulations to the following:

*Matthew T. Albert, associate professor of music, with tenure

*Matthew Bengtson, associate professor of music, with tenure

*José Casas, associate professor of theatre and drama, with tenure

Mark A. Clague, professor of music, with tenure

Daniel Gilbert, professor of music, with tenure

*Tzveta Kassabova, associate professor of theatre and drama, with tenure

Christianne Myers, professor of theatre and drama, with tenure

Robin M. Wilson, professor of dance, with tenure


*Denotes those receiving tenure for the first time

In addition, clinical-track promotions approved by the provost were reported to the Board of Regents, including the promotion of Ann E. Watson, clinical associate professor, Department of Musical Theatre.


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