cane clarinet in C

Name of Instrument: cane clarinet in C
Maker / Brand: Ulrich Ammann (1766-1842)
Stearns Catalog #: 0642
Country of Origin: Toggenburg, Switzerland (Alt St. Johann)
Region of Origin: Europe
Instrument Category: Aerophone
Date of Fabrication: early-19th C.
Location: AER P 5

Description: This Walking-Stick Clarinet in C has four stained boxwood sections: two body sections, a mouthpiece cap with threaded brass ring, and a non-functional terminal section. The cane is ingeniously carved to simulate natural knobs in the stock. It has brass fittings, and a head cap with horn fitting and mother-of-pearl inlay. It has five wooden keys carved to simulate the texture of unfinished wood; the keys are cup type mounted in knobs. There are tenons with brass reinforcing rings; and brass reinforcing pins can be found in both body sections. It has a ebony mouthpiece. The first three sections are marked, "[five-pointed star] / AMMANN [five-pointed star] / C".
See also: Stearns #0512, #0513, #0575, #0579, #0642, & #0643.
Research: Prof. James M. Borders