Name of Instrument: shamisen
Maker / Brand:
Stearns Catalog #: 2060
Country of Origin: Japan
Region of Origin: Asia
Instrument Category: Chordophone
Date of Fabrication:
Location: NCRC G116
Description: A three-string plucked lute, the Shamisen is the instrument par excellence of traditional Japan. It comes in different sizes, and produces a variety of distinctive timbres, each of which is associated with specific genres, ranging from the singing of folksongs to the gidayu music of puppet theaters (bunraku). The shamisen displays a number of distinctive organological features. The lowest string stretches and vibrates over a small cavity carved in the pegbox, producing sawari, a resonance that adds to what is considered to be good shamisen tone. Plucked with left-hand fingers and strummed with an ivory or ivory-tipped wood plectrum, the shamisen produces pizzicatos, slides, “hammering-on”, and other distinctive sounds.
Research: Stearns Staff