Name of Instrument: kaval
Maker / Brand: Uke Maksute
Stearns Catalog #: 1504
Country of Origin: Kososvo-Metohija (Yug.)
Region of Origin: Europe
Instrument Category: Aerophone
Date of Fabrication:
Location: AER J 6
Description: This Kaval is a long, end-blown aerophone that is made of cornel wood with a snake decoration around the seven finger holes; it also has one thumb hole. It was made by Uke Maksute, the Elder, an Albanian from Dakovica, Kosovo-Metohija, born there in 1909, who learned his craft about 60 years ago from previous craftsman in that town, Praksi Deceli (deceased). [Kosovo-Metohija is an Albanian ethnic autonomous region within the Serbian republic.]
Research: Stearns Staff