Wellness Program

The School of Music, Theatre & Dance is committed to supporting students’ wellness by providing services that are tailored to meet the unique demands of performing artists, and to sustaining a positive environment in which faculty and staff can thrive. The Wellness Program offers a variety of workshops, services, and courses geared towards prevention and recovery. Ongoing services and classes include: Mind-Body Balance Series (Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.), Wellness Mini-Series, Performing Arts Health Clinic, Wellness Coaching, and more! Events are generally free and open to all SMTD students, faculty and staff.

Questions? Contact us at: smtd-wellness@umich.edu

SMTD Wellness Videos

Performing Well Blog

Performing Well is a blog to experience wellness and its unique challenges through the lens of the performing artist. A resource for the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance community, and beyond, provided by our SMTD Wellness Ambassadors.

Your source for inclusive informal content, conversation, interviews, wellness resources, and more.

Contact Us

Wellness Program
University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Email: smtd-wellness@umich.edu

Dr. Paola Savvidou, Wellness Program Manager and LEO III Lecturer
Catherine Matuza, Wellness Program Coordinator and LEO II Lecturer
Kristen Schuyten, Physical Therapist and LEO I Lecturer, kbalfour@med.umich.edu
If you’d like to get in touch with the SMTD Wellness Ambassadors, please email: smtdwellnessambassadors@umich.edu