I need help with…

Media Inquiries

The SMTD marketing & communications team and our colleague Jamie Sherman in the Michigan News office frequently receive requests from reporters seeking an expert about a particular topic. Once we identify a faculty expert, one of us will generally reach out via email to gauge interest and availability to speak with the reporter. If you are interested in these types of interviews, please respond promptly in order to fit within a story deadline.

If a member of the media contacts you directly, do not feel like you need to provide a comment immediately. You are encouraged to reach out to Beth Miller and/or Jamie Sherman for support. If you do speak with a reporter, please let us know so that we can track the story.

If you would like media training, please contact Beth Miller.


Multimedia Support

If you would like photography or video for a performance or event, please email [email protected]. If our team cannot accommodate the request, we can help arrange freelance support. We make every effort to support as many requests as we can, and prioritize those which support recruiting and other high-level SMTD goals.

Any performance’s publication must be arranged through Liz Nowland, Head Performance Librarian & Licensing Manager, before recordings can be shared on SMTD channels. This also applies to pieces in the public domain and premieres from a U-M related composer.

For faculty who need to request a livestream, please contact [email protected]. Students or others needing assistance with the DIY Streaming System, please contact [email protected].

If you have a project that requires filming on campus by an external video production unit, please review U-M’s guidelines.

Graphic Design Support

We are using a template-based graphic design model for event and performance flyers and posters. These are available in the Tools & Templates section of this page. Templates are available in many formats including Google docs/slides, Word/Powepoint, and Canva.

If you need assistance with a template or have a unique need, please reach out to [email protected].

Web Support

Please email [email protected] for general support with:

  • Employee Profile updates (See also: SMTD Profiles Guide)
  • Updates and improvements to existing pages
  • Event Calendar information and updates: All events in SMTD-managed spaces must first be reserved in the ASIMUT scheduling system as a Performance (or most appropriate public event type) before it’s possible to add them to our public calendar. Reserved Access only or Class time in the space is not sufficient. For details, please see below under Publicity and Promotion > SMTD and U-M Calendars.
    • After the event has been scheduled, please send the following information to [email protected]:
      • Formal event title, if any
      • Event image, as an attachment
      • Event details/clear description
      • Any other pertinent details or links for attendees
SMTD Web Governance


The SMTD Web Governance policies include information about:

Publicity & Promotion

Digital Signs

SMTD manages digital signs in the Moore, Walgreen, and Dance buildings. There is also an extensive network of digital signage across campus to which we can submit posters and flyers.

To have a poster added to these signs, email the file to [email protected]. Please allow at least 1 business day for posting.

Files must be .jpg or .png format, no larger than 72dpi, and should fit the following dimensions:

  • Moore, Walgreen, and portait-oriented campus signs: 3840×2160
  • Dance and landscape-oriented campus signs: 2160×3840

Please note that .pdf files are not supported.

A note about AI use:

The SMTD marketing & communications team has decided against AI use for image creation in materials produced by our team because of ethical concerns surrounding AI model training and the ownership of the art used for that training. We will publish posters that use AI artwork when submitted by faculty, staff, and students, but we do recommend the use of photography or original art instead when possible.

Consider using one of these image sources, paired with an SMTD poster template:

SMTD and U-M Calendars

To be listed on the SMTD Events Calendar (smtd.umich.edu/events), events must be:

  1. Open to the general public, either free or ticketed
  2. Sponsored/supported by an SMTD department
  3. All events in SMTD-managed spaces must first be reserved in the ASIMUT scheduling system as a Performance (or Lecture or Workshop or Meeting, as appropriate) before it’s possible to add them to our calendar. Reserved Access only or Class time in the space is not sufficient. To request scheduling of your public event, email: [email protected]
  4. Please email event details for the website calendar to [email protected]:
  • Formal event title, optional subtitle
  • Event image, as an attachment
  • Event details/ clear description
  • Any other pertinent details/links for attendees

ASIMUT notes:

  • Reserved Access or Class time in a space is not a sufficient reservation to publish a public event to the calendar. Remember to email [email protected] as soon as possible to request to change any class time to a public event, and if it is not your class time, copy the cooperating faculty member.
  • Even events in non-SMTD locations are added in ASIMUT to enable the online calendar event for publicity, but the internal reservation reads “No location.”

U-M campus-wide Calendar notes:

  • Events on the SMTD Events Calendar are automatically sent to the Happening @ U-M Calendar (events.umich.edu). If this is not desired, let us know when you send your event details.
  • Events created on Happening@UM by our campus partners do not automatically appear or update on the SMTD Calendar. Please email [email protected] to share the umich event link if you’d like that event added to the SMTD calendar.


  • For faculty who need to request a livestream, please contact [email protected]. Students or others needing assistance with the DIY Streaming System, please contact [email protected]. Livestream service is not coordinated by the marketing team.
  • Livestreaming Links are posted to the SMTD Calendar only after the support staffing for the livestream has been confirmed or planned DIY Streaming is confirmed in ASIMUT.
    • If an external service is hired for the livestream support, please email [email protected] to let us know.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If livestreaming has not been confirmed by the last business day before an event takes place, the link cannot be added outside of business hours even if streaming is confirmed and available at the last minute. To ensure a good experience for our calendar and livestream audiences, the link will only be posted online for events with confirmed SMTD staffing or DIY Livestream.

Standard Livestream Links (reference)
Britton Recital Hall – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-britton/
Stamps Auditorium – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-stamps/
Hill Auditorium – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-hill/
Rackham Auditorium – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-rackham/
McIntosh Theatre – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-mcintosh/
Kevreson Rehearsal Hall – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-kevreson/
Hankinson Rehearsal Hall – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-hankinson/
Davis Technology Studio – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-davis/
Blanche Anderson Moore Organ Recital Hall – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-bam/
Watkins Lecture Hall – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-watkins/
Dance Performance Studio Theatre – https://smtd.umich.edu/live-stream-dance/

Programs, except for ticketed performances, are not created by our office. Please see the Concert Programs page on Backstage.

Michigan Muse updates

Michigan Muse, SMTD’s alumni magazine, is published twice each year. The summer issue is published in print and online; the winter issue is published online only.

Among the most-read sections of each issue are the Community Updates, which consist of self-submitted news, photos, and links sent by students, faculty, and alumni. Updates can cover a wide array of recent or forthcoming news about your life: awards, performances, research projects, releases, publications, job appointments, scholarships, internships, summer gigs, and more.

To submit an update for Michigan Muse (including photos and relevant links), please fill out this Google form. This form will enable you to select your affiliation with SMTD, whether current student, faculty, or alumni.

For questions or comments about this process or about anything related to Michigan Muse, please email [email protected].

Social Media

SMTD Social Media Accounts

If you are not already following the SMTD social media accounts you can find us at umichsmtd on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We encourage you to comment and share our posts with your community. 

SMTD is required to adhere to the social media guidelines set by U-M. Please do not create new school-affiliated accounts without first reaching out to Brandon Monzon. Brandon both manages our accounts and is our liaison to the U-M social media office.

Highlights & Takeovers

During the academic year, we like to highlight on our Instagram feed SMTD students & alumni and the projects they are working on or have recently completed. Students and alumni who would like to be featured on the SMTD instagram account should complete this form.

We also offer the opportunity for students to do takeovers of the SMTD Instagram account. If you are interested, you must review the guidelines and complete a consent form [pdf].


If you are an approved account manager of a school-affiliated account please make sure you make your account is accessible to everyone, which means that all photos posted MUST HAVE Alt Text and any videos have captions (either burned into the video, uploaded as an .SRT file, or have auto-captioning selected). If you have questions on if your account is accessible, please reach out to Brandon.

Tools & Templates


There are two different options available for letterhead, each offered in MS Word and Google Doc format.

Download the MS Word version to work locally, and copy the Google Doc version to your own folder system to work online.

Flyer/Poster Templates

Poster and flyer templates in both 11×17 and 8.5×11 sizes are available in Microsoft, Google, and Canva formats. These can be used to promote performances, lectures, master classes, and other events. 

Google Doc/ Slides and Word/ PowerPoint Templates 

  • Download the MS PowerPoint version to work locally, and copy the Google Slides version to your own folder system to work online.

Canva Templates

Create or log-in to your own free Canva account to start working through the links below.
For technical assistance, contact Brandon Monzon at [email protected].

A note about AI use:

The SMTD marketing & communications team has decided against AI use for image creation in materials produced by our team because of ethical concerns surrounding AI model training and the ownership of the art used for that training. We will publish posters that use AI artwork when submitted by faculty, staff, and students, but we do recommend the use of photography or original art instead when possible.

Consider using one of these image sources, paired with an SMTD poster template:

U-M Brand & Colors Guide

The University of Michigan has clear guidelines for adherence to its globally-recognized brand. Visit the U-M Brand site for detailed information on:

  • The approved color palette, including our official Maize and Blue and the secondary palette. 
    Official Maize: PMS: 7406 | CMYK: C0, M18, Y100, K0 | Web: #FFCB05
    Official Blue: PMS: 282 | CMYK: C100, M60, Y0, K60 | Web: #00274C
  • Typography and recommended fonts.
  • Design accessibility best practices.
  • Editorial resources, including style conventions and boilerplate.
  • A full brand styleguide (pdf) that details logo use guidelines. (Spoiler alert: Don’t modify the logo!)

Logo Files

Logo Use Guidelines

SMTD works in partnership with Michigan Creative to maintain our logo suite, and we must adhere to university policies surrounding logos.
From the U-M Brand website:

  • Do not modify the size, position, color or relationship of any of these elements.
  • Use only official, unaltered logos/marks and unit logos designed to approved specs. Do not recreate logos/marks.
  • Only use University of Michigan logos/marks on official communications, partnerships and sponsorships. U-M does not generally allow use of its logos/marks for projects not affiliated with the university, other than commercial products licensed through IMG Licensing, U-M’s licensing partner.

If you need a specific version of an existing logo, would like to request a new logo, or have questions about logo use, email [email protected] for help.

SMTD School Logos

These are some of the most commonly requested SMTD logos available for you to download.
Additional versions, including office and department logos, will be added soon.

Official Signature Logo

Official School of Music, Theatre & Dance logo

Informal Logo

Informal SMTD logo

Stacked Logo

Stacked SMTD logo

Contact Us


Marketing & Communications Team

The Marketing & Communications Team is part of the Office of Advancement at SMTD. Our staff are primarily remote. Find us in the directory.

  • Chris Boyes, Video and Multimedia Manager
  • Liam Crnkovich, Marketing Coordinator
  • Sarah Erlewine, Marketing & Communications Director for Ticketed Performances
  • Judy Galens, Communications Manager
  • Beth Miller, Director of Marketing & Communications
  • Brandon Monzon, Brand Manager
  • Tracy Payovich, Digital Content Specialist
  • Mathew Pimental, Multimedia Specialist
  • Rachel (Ray) Salazar, Graphic Designer