Performances & Events

Recital | Faculty

Sonata Amabile

A lecture-performance featuring composer Texu Kim and SMTD Faculty

February 17, 2025 | 7:30 pm

Britton Recital Hall
Earl V. Moore Building
1100 Baits Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Free - no tickets required

SMTD faculty Matt Albert, violin and Matthew Thompson, piano, perform Texu Kim’s Sonata Amabile. The composer, Dr. Texu Kim, will situate the piece and his compositional process in a lively and interactive discussion interspersed between the movements.

The performance begins at 7:30 pm and the duration is 1 hour.


TEXU KIM (김택수, he/him) is “one of the most active and visible composers of his generation” (San Francisco Classical Voice) who writes music that is fun, sophisticated, and culturally connected. Having served as the Composer-in-Residence of the Korean National Symphony Orchestra, he is an associate professor at San Diego State University. His music has been programmed by the New York Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, LA Phil, San Francisco Opera, Minnesota Orchestra, Detroit Symphony, Alarm Will Sound, etc. Winner of the 2021 Barlow Prize, he has received honors from the Fromm Foundation, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, the Copland House, SCI/ASCAP, and more.


Matthew Thompson

Matt Albert

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