buisine in C
Name of Instrument: buisine in C
Maker / Brand: Petrus A. Longa
Stearns Catalog #: 0804
Country of Origin: Italy
Region of Origin: Europe
Instrument Category: Aerophone
Date of Fabrication: 1451
Location: AER A 3
Description: From the inscription on the decorated brass bell, we know that this medieval trumpet was crafted by the Italian maker Petrus A. Longa in 1451. At approximately 4 feet long–and as is typical for the medieval buisine–this long and slender horn carried a banner from the two leaf-shaped mounts visible in the upper photograph. It has five brass ferrules, a decorative pommel, and bell garland. At the time of Frederick Stearns’ acquisition of this early trumpet, the banner was of white satin and featured an animal figure in red applique. The bell garland is signed, "DI PETRUS ASINA LONGA MCDLI".
Research: Prof. James M. Borders and Stearns Staff