tenor saxophone in C

Name of Instrument: tenor saxophone in C

Maker / Brand: Adolphe (Antoine Joseph) Sax (1814-1894)

Stearns Catalog #: 0641

Country of Origin: Paris, France

Region of Origin: Europe

Instrument Category: Aerophone

Date of Fabrication: mid-19th C. (ca. 1860)

Location: CON A 2

Description: This Tenor Saxophone in C was created by its namesake, Adolphe Sax. It is made silver-plated brass with twenty silver-plated brass keys. It is extremely lightweight. It is signed, "No 20669 Saxophone tenor en ut brevete / Adolphe Sax a Paris / F.teur De la M.son Mil.re de l'Empereur / [monogram:] A S / (in cross-stroke of letter S:) PARIS".

Research: Prof. James M. Borders