
Name of Instrument: balafon
Maker / Brand:
Stearns Catalog #: 2630
Country of Origin: Guinea
Region of Origin: Africa
Instrument Category: Idiophone
Date of Fabrication:
Location: IDI I 0
On Loan

Description: This 19-note Balafon (xylophone) was presented to Leo in 1960 by Guinea’s finest Xylophonist in the National Ensemble, a descendant of the musically renowned Diabate Griot tribe. Diabate can be heard playing this instrument on a U of M digitized recording available as part of the Voice of America radio archives. Leo Sarkisian is Voice of America (VOA) Broadcaster and Writer in Washington, D.C. and former Director for Ethnic Recordings, Tempo International, Hollywood, CA. In Africa, Leo is known as VOA's Music Man.
The Leo Sarkisian Collection