Moog synthesizer

Name of Instrument: Moog synthesizer

Maker / Brand: Robert Moog

Stearns Catalog #: 2035

Country of Origin: Trumansburg, New York, USA

Region of Origin: North America

Instrument Category: Electrophone

Date of Fabrication: 1964

Location: Stearns Building,

Description: This is the first commercially produced Moog Synthesizer (Opus 1), constructed by Robert Moog (1934-2005) in 1964 using pear tree wood from his own back yard in New York. It has three control panels, a five-octave keyboard with fifteen knobs, a wood stand, and pedals. Originally commissioned and owned by New York-based dance choreographer Alwin Nikolais, it came with Bob Moog's hand written notes regarding its operation.

Research: Stearns Staff