tuba in Eb

Name of Instrument: tuba in Eb

Maker / Brand: Elbridge G. Wright (1841-1869)

Stearns Catalog #: 1784

Country of Origin: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Region of Origin: North America

Instrument Category: Aerophone

Date of Fabrication: 1860s (?)

Location: AER C 1

Description: This bell-over-the-shoulder, military model Tuba in E Flat is made of German silver. It has four string action rotary valves placed at a right angle (three top-mounted, one is side-mounted). It does not have a water key. It is marked, "Made by / E. G. WRIGHT / BOSTON". Assuming that this horn is not a fraud (the Boston Musical Instrument Manufactury warns of this in their 1869 catalog), and because this very horn appears in the 1869 Boston catalog, it very likely dates from the 1860s.

Research: Prof. James M. Borders and Ron Berndt