viola da braccio

Name of Instrument: viola da braccio

Maker / Brand: Joanes Marcus (through Franciolini)

Stearns Catalog #: 1293

Country of Origin: Italy

Region of Origin: Europe

Instrument Category: Chordophone

Date of Fabrication: 19th C.

Location: CHO D RA 3

Description: This instrument may have come to the Stearns Collection from a highly questionable source--Leopoldo Franciolini. Many Franciolini instruments are forgeries or interesting hybrids of original instruments and scrap wood. In this case, a viola-type instrument has been heavily altered by Franciolini's shop. It appears to be a seven-string, guitar-shaped viola type instrument with a lyra da braccia peg board. The table and back have been cut down. New sides have been added to match the new shape. At one time the instrument was greater in size as can be inferred by the scale of the sound holes--that have been filled in--which are located too close to the edge of the body. The upper bouts and varnish on the back have been altered in order to accommodate a different neck (as revealed by a change in purfling lines). The neck and peg board do not exhibit the same qualities of craftsmanship as the body. The neck has been painted with black lines to simulate flamed maple.

Research: Dr. Bruce Mitchell Smith and William Monical