Performance Programs

Artistic Staff
Conductor: Kirk Severtson
Stage Director: Abbigail Coté
Chorus Master: Katherine Rohwer
Scenic Designer: Dipu Gupta
Costume Designer: Christopher Vergara
Lighting Designer: Kathleen Alexandrou
Sound Designer: Roger Arnett
Hair and Make Up Designer: Brittany Rappise
Assistant Conductor: Aleksandr Polyakov
Assistant Director: Sitong Liu
Assistant Scenic Designer: Niamh Sullivan
Assistant Costume Designer: Janna Vukovich
Production Stage Manager: Caroline-Michele Uy
Rehearsal Pianist: John Morefield
Rehearsal Pianist: Natalie Sherer
Diction Coach: Timothy Cheek
Ensembles Production Manager: Erin Casler
Hair and Makeup Supervisor: Sam Whetstone
Production Crew
1st ASM Wilhelmina Schuster
ASMs Andrew Kevic, Marina Lebowich
Sound Engineer Roger Arnett
Hair and Makeup Supervisor Sam Whetstone
Professional Stitcher Marcia Grace
Theatrical Lighting Kathleen Alexandrou, Abi Farnsworth, Sydney Geysbeek, Harrison Hoffert, Megan Mondek, Jordan Pinet, and Theatre 250/252 Students
Painting Maya Sistruck, Ellie Vice, Caroline Michele Uy, Nicole White, & Theatre 250/252/261 Students
Properties Shelby Alexander, Ainsley Grace, Casey Guilds, Katie Kim, Alex Li, Charlotte Stallings, Audrey Tieman, Laurence Vance, and Theatre 250/252 Students
Scenery Raymond Galasso, Sydney Geysbeek, Abigail Labbe, Niamh Sullivan, Sophia Severance, and Theatre 250/252 Students
Running Crew
Light Board Operator Alex Li
Follow Spot Operators Chloe Chandler, Summer Wasung
Supertitles Operator Jaxon Williams
Props Crew Lead Audrey Tieman
Properties/Scenery Crew Brooke Arnold, Ben Bian, Megan Fox, Chase Warren
Scenery/Deck Crew Charlotte Stallings, Ellie Vice
Wardrobe Crew Olivia Biase, Rachael Hymowitz, Rohan Maletira, Esmay Pricejones
Wig/Makeup Crew Dallas Fadul, Caitlyn Wade
David Gier, Dean
Paul Boylan Collegiate Professor of Music
Department of Voice
Scott Piper
Opera Faculty
Timothy Cheek, Abbigail Coté, Kirk Severtson, Matthew Thompson, Danielle Wright
Voice Faculty
Freda Herseth, Stephen Lusmann, Rose Mannino, Stanford Olsen, Scott Piper, George Shirley, Louise Toppin, Daniel Washington, Stephen West
Associated Faculty
Caroline Helton
Distinguished Visiting Artist
Thomas Hampson
Professors Emeriti
Willis Patterson, Carmen Pelton, George Shirley
University Symphony Orchestra
Director of Orchestras
Kenneth Kiesler
Assoc. Director of Orchestras
Adrian Slywotzky
Director of Concerts & Events
Paul Feeny
Ensembles Production Manager
Erin Casler
Interim Librarian
Madeline Warner
Production Manager
Jonathan Mashburn
Marcus Byers, Natalia Camargo, Andrew Colon, Margot Cunningham, Jack Morin, Eli Stefanacci
Ops Coordinator
Walt Puyear
+ Paris Cast Thursday/Saturday,* Versailles Cast Friday/Sunday
Cendrillon: Christine Amon+
Cendrillon: Colleen Cole Beucher*
Le Prince: Sarah Best+
Le Prince: HaYoung Jung*
La Fée: Greta Groothuis+
La Fée: Megan Warburton*
Pandolfe: Taewon Sohn+
Pandolfe: Paul Leland Hill *
Madame de la Haltiére: Samantha Williams+
Madame de la Haltiére: Aria Minasian*
Noémie: Darla Lowe+
Noémie: Megan Maloney*
Dorothée: Valeria de Luna-Kent+
Dorothée: Myah Rose Paden*
Le Roi: Timothy Zajdela+,*Le Doyen de la Faculté: Trevor Scott+
Le Doyen de la Faculté: Jonathan Taccolini*
Herald: Jonathan Taccolini+
Herald: Trevor Scott*
Le Surintendant des Plaisirs: Noah Rogers+,*
Le Premier Ministre: Andrew Hallam +,*
Sprite S1: Lauren Fleming
Sprite S2: Alyia (Aliyah) Quill
Sprite S3: Annika DeJonge
Servant: Maggie Reed
Servant: Soleil Garcia-Johnson
Servant: Lucy McDowell
Sprite S4: Caitlyn Bogart
Sprite A1: Pelagia Pamel
Sprite A2: Madeleine Buckley
Servant: Lucy Koukoudian
Servant/Courtier: Ian Pathak
Courtier Dawson: Trotman
Servant/Courtier: Javier Torres
Doctor: Xavier Perry
Servant/Doctor: Anthony Larson
Servant/Doctor: William Lee
Minister: Craig Rettew
Violin I
Annamaria Vasmatzidis**, Eugenia Cho, Bright Johnston, William Thain, Iris Wu, Kathy Zhang
Violin II
Alexandria Ott*, Fiona Cunningham-Murray, Erika Dalton, Zoe Fong, Bethlehem Kelley, Muirne Mitchell
Thomas Chafe*, Margot Cunningham, Katie Snelling, Jacob Westerbeke
Priscilla Kim*, Christopher Chan, Benjamin Maxwell
Double Bass
Emani Barber, Timothy Walters
Minseo Kim, Ting-Yu Yeh
Jonathan Chan, Jeffrey Langer
Michelle Ho, Triniti Rives
Marissa Honig, Heeseung Lee
Vance Kreider, Jack Smid
Dena Levy, Jack Moeser
Shonn Olegario
Britton-Rene Collins, Nolan Ehlers, Reed Puleo
Beth Henson
University Productions Administrative Staff
Executive Director
Jeffrey Kuras
Administrative Specialist
Christine Eccleston
Administrative Asst.
Nathan Carrillo
Marketing & Communications Director
Sarah Erlewine
Information Systems Manager
Henry Reynolds
Facilities Manager
Shannon Rice
Performance Halls House Manager
Kelley Krahn
Sr. Backstage Operations Mgr.
Barry LaRue
Backstage Operations Mgrs.
Mark Gordon, David Pickell, Dane Racicot,
Donald C. Watkins
University Productions Production Staff
Production Manager
Paul Hunter
Assistant Production Manager
Miriam Michaels
Technical Director (Power Center)
Douglas Edwards
Technical Dir. (Walgreen)
Richard W. Lindsay, Jr.
Interim Master Carpenter
Devin Miller
Interim Scenic Carpenter
Andrew Furda
Charge Scenic Artist (Power Center)
Toni Y. Auletti
Charge Scenic Artist (Walgreen)
Beth Sandmaier
Theatrical Properties Manager
Patrick A. Drone
Assoc. Theatrical Properties Manager
Sarah Tanner
Properties Artisan
Dan Erickson
Theatrical Lighting Manager
Heather Hunter
Sound Engineer
Henry Reynolds
Costume Shop Manager
Laura Brinker
Asst. Costume Shop Manager
Leslie Ann Smith
Justin Collings, Seth Gilbert, TJ Williamson
Rene Plante
Crafts Artisan
Elizabeth Gunderson
Costume Stock Manager
Theresa Hartman
Wardrobe Manager
Rossella Human
- Sung in French with projected English surtitles
- Set in Paris in the 1970’s
- Assistant Conductor Aleksandr Polyakov conducted the November 7th performance.
- Cinderella was presented through special arrangement with Pocket Publications Cardiff LLP. Orchestral reduction by Tony Burke, (c) Pocket Publications.
Madame de la Haltiere’s household is preparing the mistress and her two disobliging daughters for the evening’s court ball, while Pandolphe, her husband, wryly reflects on the pleasures of the past when he and his daughter, Cendtillon, lived in peace in the country. Servants, hairdressers and milliners scurry to considerable effort, then all depart, leaving Cendrillon to lament her exclusion from the party. The Fairy Godmother materializes in a great celebration of coloratura fireworks, galvanizes her entourage to improvise a costume, and wakes Cendrillon and packs her off to the palace, giving her a glass slipper and also commanding her to return by midnight.
The Palace. Prince Charming is sunk in deep melancholy. Nothing, not even an ensemble of flute, crystal flute and viola d’amore, can rouse him. The King commands him to choose a bride from the company shortly to be assembled. Guests begin to arrive, and a suite of five ballets begins. At the completion of the ballet, Pandolphe and his three ladies make their entrance. Shortly after, Cendrillon also enters to general admiration. The Prince is plainly captivated by the unknown young woman, and there ensues a love duet which is, unfortunately, followed by the clock, striking midnight, requiring that Cendrillon leave at once.
Cendrillon runs home in despair, having mislaid the slipper, and manages to disappear before her father and the three termagants return. They enter praising their own prowess at tho ball and disapproving of everything else. Pandolphe can’t stand up to them, but they eventually disappear and he and Cendrillon look forward to a happier life in the country together. He leaves, but Cendrillon cannot forget her stepsisters’ remarks claiming that the Prince’s interest in the unknown girl was no more than a passing fancy. She rushes despairingly into the night.
The Fairy Godmother holds court in the forest, and when an apparently broken-hearted young man appears, contrives to allow Cendrillon to hear him without being seen. Together, she and the Prince implore the Fairy to dissolve the magic barrier that separates them. Then they once again pour out their love. However real it seems, it is still only a dream …
Months have passed and Pandolphe is seen keeping watch over the sleeping· Cendrillon. When she awakes, he offers comfort. He assures her that her ravings – about the Prince she has never met and a glass slipper she never owned – are nothing but a dream. She accepts what he says, and father and daughter make their escape before Madame de la Haltiere and her daughters put in an appearance and put an end to the tranquil mood of the scene. A Herald announces that this very day all the ladies of the court are summoned to try on the glass slipper found in the palace after the ball. Cendrillon realizes that her “dream” was in fact real and begs her Fairy Godmother to make it possible for her to go.
At the palace, ladies of rank and fashion enter to a lively march and try the slipper, all to no avail..2 The Fairy Godmother announces Cendrillon, and she and the Prince greet each other rapturously, as she easily slips into the glass slipper .. The court renders homage as Pandolphe and his wife make their entrance, she brushing past him to embrace Cendrillon with the words: “My own child!” Pandolphe turns to the audience: “You see, all has ended well!”
Synopsis by Nico Castel
Not available for this performance
Not available for this performance