Arthur Miller Theatre
Venue Address
1226 Murfin Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1212
Looking for tickets to a performance at Arthur Miller Theatre?
Authentic tickets to Arthur Miller Theatre events are most often sold by one of two authorized sellers: The UMS/SMTD Ticket Office for UMS, SMTD, and Ann Arbor Summer Festival performances, and the Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO) for all other performances. Performances presented by community organizations, such as Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, are sold through the organization themselves, not a third party seller.
SMTD assumes no liability for tickets purchased through unauthorized sales channels, including (but not limited to): (which is not affiliated with Hill Auditorium in any way), Craigslist, eBay, StubHub, and other secondary market or ticket broker services. Look carefully at the URL before purchasing, as we’ve seen an increase in activity by ticket resellers.
Tickets purchased from unauthorized sources may be stolen, counterfeit, or otherwise compromised, and if so, are not valid for event admission. If you are unsure whether a ticket seller has been authorized to sell SMTD tickets, please contact the Ticket Office at 734-764-2538 prior to purchasing from that source.
Expressed as a translucent glass cube levitating above a multi-hued masonry base, the Arthur Miller Theatre transforms into a luminous glass beacon at night, recalling the illuminated marquees of vaudeville era theatres. The 250-seat theatre is named after the esteemed American playwright and U-M alumnus.
The idea for the Arthur Miller Theatre originated in 1997 when University of Michigan President Lee Bollinger proposed it to the Board of Regents. “This is a community that loves the word, that loves performance. This is vital to what we are as a community and as an institution.” When the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright was approached by his alma mater, his response was a simple postcard. “The theatre is a lovely idea,” he wrote in fall 1997. “I’ve resisted similar proposals from others, but it seems right from Ann Arbor.” The venue would be the only theatre in the world to bear his name. The project was enabled by a gift of $10 million from Charles Walgreen, Jr., a 1938 graduate of the College of Pharmacy, for the construction of the Walgreen Drama Center which would include the theatre.
Incorporating a range of the most current theatrical, audio, and rigging equipment, the Arthur Miller Theatre allows students and visiting artists to work with contemporary systems in staging productions while providing generous flexibility to anticipate future technologies. Acoustically, the theatre room is designed principally for the spoken word, with highly reverberant finishes and extremely quiet mechanical systems to heighten the audibility of young voices.
The theatre room is configured as a highly flexible courtyard format theatre to showcase both professional and student productions. Designed for proscenium productions and able to accommodate an orchestra of up to 16 players with forward seating rows removed to expose the orchestra pit, the space will more often be set up in a wide thrust stage configuration with seating on three sides and extraordinarily intimate dimensions between actor and audience.
Namesake: Arthur Miller
There is only one theater in the world that carries Arthur Miller’s name, and it is at his alma mater.
One of the most celebrated playwrights in American theater, Miller was drawn to U-M as a teenager because he wanted to write. The lure of the Hopwood Awards – a new writing prize with a cash stipend – brought him from New York to Ann Arbor during the Depression.
When he received positive feedback from a friend after writing his first play, Miller was exuberant. “The magical force of making marks on a piece of paper and reaching into another human being, making him see what I had seen and feel my feelings – I had made a new shadow on the earth.” He won two Hopwoods, wrote for The Michigan Daily, and graduated in 1938.
Miller went on to write groundbreaking dramas such as his 1949 play, Death of a Salesman, which won the Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award; The Crucible; A View from the Bridge; and All My Sons. His work often focused on the human condition and its flaws.
The University awarded Miller an honorary degree in 1956. He was a frequent visitor to campus, meeting with students and conducting writing workshops.
Miller was married three times. In 1940, he wed U-M alumna Mary Grace Slattery, and they had two children, Jane and Robert. In 1956, he married the actress Marilyn Monroe. Miller and the photographer Inge Morath wed in 1962 and had a daughter, Rebecca, and a son, Daniel.
Miller died in 2005 at age 89. The Arthur Miller Theatre opened in 2007.
Technical Specifications
The information contained in these technical specifications has been updated to the best of our ability. Renters are advised to work with their local presenter and the venue to ensure a safe and smooth production. Shows with extensive lighting, audio, staging and rigging requirements are especially encouraged to either schedule a site visit or a phone conversation with venue staff or trained professionals who have handled similar shows in our halls.
Download technical information for the Arthur Miller Theatre (PDF)
Technical Specifications
Auditorium Seating Capacity
Seating in this venue is flexible and removable, but the number below list maximum possible seating in both configurations.
End Stage Configuration:
Main Floor: 189
Main Floor Wheelchair Spaces: 6
Mezzanine: 61
Mezzanine Wheelchair Spaces: 2
Total End Stage capacity (including accessible seating): 258
Thrust Configuration:
Main Floor: 168
Main Floor Wheelchair Spaces: 4
Mezzanine: 42
Mezzanine Wheelchair Spaces: 2
Total Thrust capacity (including accessible seating): 216
Load-in Access
Exterior Loading Door 5’-10” x 7’ (Standard double door at street level)
Note: Special arrangements must be made if users need access to scene shop roll-up loading door (8’ x 12’-2”). Permission granted on a case by case basis.
Stage Specifications
Proscenium width – 38’ (as created by house drapery)
Proscenium height – 21’ (as created by house drapery)
End Stage lip to back wall – 28’ 2” (including decked-over orchestra pit)
Maximum Stage Thrust – 24’ x 24’
Dimensions of orchestra pit – 6’ x 24’
Note: Orchestra pit is on a lift which is decked over and used as part of the stage floor in both end stage and thrust configurations. Special request must be made to open the orchestra pit and extra charges will apply.
Stage floor – Masonite, painted black
Pin rails available Stage Left and Stage Right at +24’ above stage floor
Single purchase manual counterweight system, locking rail on deck Stage Right
Number of line sets – 22
Highest batten can be flown – 33’-5”
Lowest batten can be flown – 4’
Batten length – 42’
Arbor length – 7’ (T Track located SR)
Arbor capacity: 1,287 lbs.
House weights: 18lbs – Full Weight / 9lbs. – Half Weight
Note – there is no grid in this venue. All line sets are underhung to structural steel.
Soft Goods
House Masking Hang (all draperies are black velour)
One (1) Border 42’ x 8’
Two (2) Borders 42’ x 12’
Two (2) Torm Panels 17’-8” x 22’-6”
Three (3) Pair Legs 13’-6” x 24’
One (1) Scrim, black sharkstooth 40’ x 23’
One (1) RP Sheet 40’ x 24’
Six (6) dead-hung side tabs (3 per side) available to mask offstage wing space.
Additional drapery
Two (2) Pair Legs 13’-6” x 24’
Company Switches
110/208v 3 phase 5 wire – One (1) 400 amp disconnect offstage Left
110/208v 3 phase 5 wire – One (1) 200 amp disconnect in Stage Left Tech Gallery
Note – Access to this power is ONLY via 400 amp CamLocks
Lighting System
Lighting Control
One (1) ETC EOS Classic (includes three (3) non-touch screen external displays) (note: operating system
One (1) ETC EOS Remote Video Interface w/ two (2) non-touch screen displays
One (1) ETC Radio focus remote
ETC Net3 ports located throughout the hall
Two hundred fifty six (256) ETC 2.4kW dimmers
Six (6) ETC 6kW dimmers
Note – A circuit chart is available upon request
Entire Lighting Inventory (includes standard house hang)
Fifteen (15) ETC Source Four 19°
Sixteen (16) ETC Source Four 26°
Fourteen (14) ETC Source Four 36°
Fourteen (14) ETC Source Four 50°
Sixty-one (61) ETC Source Four Jr. Zooms
Thirty-five (35) ETC Source Four 15°-30° Zooms
Fifty-five (55) ETC Source Four 25°-50° Zooms
Thirty-two (32) ETC Source Four Parnels
Eight (8) mini 10s w/barndoors
Eighteen (18) Altman SpectraCyc 100 LEDs
Nine (9) VariLite VL 1000TS (additional fees applied for approved use of VariLites)
Note – The majority of these units are installed in the house repertory plot. Any changes must be restored during strike.
Twelve (12) Side-arms w/tee
Sixteen (16) ETC Source Four drop-in iris units
Twenty (20) side arms 18” – 24”
Eight (8) 50 lbs boom base with 8′ x 1-1/2″ pipe
Thirty (30) Barndoors for Source Four Parnels
Misc top-hats and half hats
Sound System
One (1) Soundcraft Series Two, 24 channels
Playback Devices
Two (2) Tascam MD350 mini-disc players
Two (2) HHB Model CDR830 CD player/burners
One (1) Denon DN-C615 CD player
One (1) Lexicon MPX550 effects processor
Speakers and Amplifiers
Six (6) Renkus-Heinz PN121 Powered Monitors
Two (2) Renkus-Heinz PNX121 Un-Powered Monitors
Two (2) Renkus-Heinz PN 81 Powered Monitors
Two (2) Renkus-Heinz TRX 81/9 Un-Powered Monitors
Ten (10) Tannoy VXP6 Powered Monitors
Two (2) Meyer USW-1P powered subwoofers
Two (2) EAW UB12Se
Forty (40) tie-lines located strategically around stage, house, galleries, and catwalks
Fifteen (15) speakon NL-4 jacks around stage area
One (1) QSC stereo amp patchable to any speakon jack
Microphones and Accessories
Two (2) Shure SM57
Two (2) Shure SM58
Two (2) Shure SM81
Two (2) Shure ULX wireless system, lapel or handheld
Microphone jack outlets
Line number – location
1-16 – DSR on stage
17-32 – USL on stage
33-40 – DSL on stage
41-56 – Trap Room
Communication Systems
Headset System
Twelve (12) Telex PH-88 single muff headsets
Two (2) Clear-Com CC-95 single muff headsets
One (1) Clear-Com KB-212 squawk box
Thirteen (13) Clear-Com RS-601 single belt packs
Two (2) Clear-Com RS-602 double belt packs
Six (6) Telex wireless belt packs
Intercom and Video
One (1) dressing room monitor system w/ dressing room page
One (1) Color camera for stage view
One (1) Color monitor
One (1) Black/white camera for conductor view
Two (2) CRT monitors mounted in house for conductor view
Information Systems
Wired – Ethernet 1000 Base-T, located in box office, House Tech booth and various locations throughout the building. Advance arrangements required for access.
Wireless – U-M Wireless on-stage and in the auditorium and main lobby. Please refer to U-M IT for information regarding access.
Dressing Rooms
There are laundry facilities available at basement level.
One Flight Below Stage Level:
Two (2) Dressing Rooms each for sixteen persons with adjoining bathrooms with showers.
Wardrobe/Wig Room for three persons
Removable Seating
All seating can be removed. Additional charges may apply.
Conference/Lobby/Backline Equipment
One (1) 24″ x 9’4″ prop table
Four (4) 30” x 6’ tables
Orchestra Pit
One (1) Yamaha upright piano available upon request
Twenty (20) music stands
Twenty (20) Chairs
Twenty (20) music stand lights
Two (2) Bass stools
Two (2) 6’ step ladder, fiberglass
One (1) Genie Personnel Lift
Miscellaneous Equipment
One (1) full-sized refrigerator – located in small office in basement
One (1) United States Flag with base
One (1) Michigan State Flag with base
One (1) Flag base
Four (4) pleated, burgundy, table skirting is available
One (1) lectern
One (1) 9′ x 12′ fast fold screen with front and rear projection sheets
House Line Set Schedule
Line Set # – Distance from Plaster – House Hang (Notes)
1 – 0’-6” – Teaser (Black)
2 – 1’-0”
3 – 1’-6” – Traveler (Black, Full Stage)
5 – 2’-6” – #1 Electric
7 – 3’-6” – #2 Electric
9 – 4’-6” – #1 Border
11 – 5’-6” – #1 Leg (Black Velour, 2 @ 13’-6” x 24’)
13 – 6’-6” – #3 Electric
15 – 7’-6” – #4 Electric
17 – 8’-6”
19 – 9’-6” – #2 Border
21 – 10’-6” – #2 Leg (Black Velour, 2 @ 13’-6” x 24’)
23 – 11’-6”
25 – 12’-6” – #5 Electric
27 – 13’-6” – #6 Electric
29 – 14’-6”
31 – 15’-6” – #3 Border
33 – 16’-6” – #3 Leg (Black Velour, 2 @ 13’-6” x 24’)
35 – 17’-6” – Black Scrim
37 – 18’-6” – Rosco RP Sheet
39 – 19’-6” – #7 Electric (SpectraCyc LEDs)
41 – 20’-6”
Stage Plan
Download the Arthur Miller Theatre stage plan for proscenium configuration (PDF)
Download the Arthur Miller Theatre stage plan for thrust configuration (PDF)
Download the Arthur Miller Theatre stage section (PDF)
Download the Arthur Miller Theatre repertory light plot for thrust configuration (PDF)
Download a ZIP drive containing VWX files of Arthur Miller Theatre
Seating Charts
A highly flexible courtyard format, the theatre is designed for proscenium productions and able to accommodate an orchestra of up to 16 players or as a wide thrust stage configuration with seating on three sides and extraordinarily intimate dimensions between actor and audience. Most seating is general admission.
End Stage Configuration – Main Floor – Download PDF
End Stage Configuration – Mezzanine – Download PDF
Thrust Stage Configuration – Main Floor – Download PDF
Thrust Stage Configuration – Mezzanine – Download PDF
Arthur Miller Theatre Rental Rates
One (1) Day: $650.00
Two (2) Days: $1,100.00
Three (3) Days: $1,350.00
Four (4) Days: $1,600.00
Five (5) Days: $1,750.00
Six (6) Days: $1,950.00
Seven (7) Days: $2,200.00
Eighth (8) Consecutive Day Only 50% of one-day rate (If rental goes beyond eight (8) days, rates follow above schedule without exception)
Events involving paid professional artists must be handled by an official University presenter. Additional costs and fees may apply.
Rental Policy
To initiate a reservation:
Renter must provide a non-refundable $100.00 deposit per day of rental, and return a signed confirmation letter, provided by the Facilities Office.
30 days prior to the event:
Non-University renters must remit the entire base rent to University Productions. [For non-University of Michigan organizations only]
2 weeks prior to the event:
The signed contract must be returned to Facilities Office.
Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in forfeiture of the date.
Cancellation Policy for Reservations and Contracted Events
- Less than 48 hours notice from access time: 100% of the rental fee will be charged.
- Less than 96 hours notice: For a Load-in day or lecture, a 30% cancellation fee of the day rate will be charged. For a Performance day, a 50% cancellation fee of the day rate will be charged.
- Less than 15 days notice: A $200.00 cancellation fee.
- Less than 60 days notice: A $150.00 cancellation fee.
- Earlier cancellations: A full refund of deposited funds, minus the non-refundable deposit.
Base Rent Includes
- Access to the theatre from 9 am to 1 am
- One house technician for 1 shift (8 hours)
- One house manager for 1 performance per day
- Lights, HVAC, custodial, open & close of theatre
- Use of dressing rooms (with showers)
- Sound system
- Lighting system
- 20 music stands and chairs
- Use of upright piano
Additional Charges to Base Rent Include
- Overtime hours for building: $300.00/hour
- 2nd shift House Technician: $35/hour – charged in 4 hour blocks
- Additional House Tech (as needed): $35/hour – charged in 4 hour blocks
- Additional Lobby staff for performances as needed: $35/hour – charged in 4 hour blocks
- Piano moving and/or tuning: as per arrangements by renter
- Orchestra pit, thrust addition & removal: at cost
- Changes to Access times less than 24 hours in advance will be subject to double-time rates for affected personnel
Rates as of September 2024
Our performance facilities follow policies set by the Regents at the University of Michigan. Please refer to the general policies as well as policies specific to the venue you are interested in renting
- Smoking is PROHIBITED in all University buildings and on University grounds. Smoking is allowed on sidewalks adjacent to public roads.
- No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed within the building pursuant to University regulations.
- No pets of any kind are permitted within the building. Any use of an animal in a production must be approved in advance by the Office of the Vice President for Facilities via the Facilities Manager.
- There will be no food or beverages allowed in the theatres/auditoria at any time. University Productions retains the sole right to concession sales in the facilities.
- Upon the discretion of the Facilities Manager, security shall be provided, at Lessee’s expense, through the Department of Public Safety (DPSS). The number of such personnel shall be determined based on the nature of the proposed event, the number anticipated to be in attendance, and the past experience of the University with respect to similar events. University Productions reserves the option of alerting DPSS when, in our judgment, a higher level of security might be necessary.
- According to Section 3.06 of the Bylaws of the Regents of the University of Michigan, the following activities are prohibited in places of public assembly:
Donations/Solicitations of Funds/Taking of Pledges
Selling of Memberships - Items for sale at events are allowed at the discretion of University Productions, and only upon completion of a Sales Permit. This sales permit acknowledges the Lessee’s obligation to pay Sales Tax to the State of Michigan.
- No live flame of any kind is allowed in any theatre at any time for any reason without the advance permission of the Fire Marshal. This prohibition includes the representation of smoking by actors, candles, oil lamps, torches, incense, effects requiring explosive charges, and fireworks. The Fire Marshal’s permission may or may not be granted depending upon the safety infrastructure of the theatre being requested, the duration of the effect, and its risk of combusting nearby materials. Live trees, garlands, and wreaths are not permitted in places of public assembly due to their flammability hazard. Flame-proofed materials must be used in the construction of scenery or draperies. Please be advised that the University’s fire-safety regulations are strictly enforced.
- Due to the sensitivity of building smoke detectors, the use of foggers and hazers in the Power Center, Hill Auditorium or the Arthur Miller Theatre must be scheduled in advance and receive the prior permission of University Productions. The use of fog/haze is prohibited in the Mendelssohn Theatre and Rackham Auditorium. There will be additional charges associated with the use of this effect. Please be aware that sometimes smoke and haze drifts to smoke detectors outside of the stage area and may set off the building’s fire-alarm system. Even in the case of “false” alarms, the theatre must be evacuated by all audience and backstage personnel until DPSS has authorized re-entry into the building and the re-commencement of the program.
- Exit signs may not be turned off, covered, removed or altered in any way. All exits must remain clear of blockage by any scenery, props, seating or other objects while the theatre is occupied. Audio/visual, lighting, and sound equipment must be kept out of aisles and out of the seating areas that are designated for patrons using wheelchairs, in compliance with accessibility codes.
- The use of confetti and glitter is prohibited due to the difficulty of cleaning the plush seating and carpeting. Unauthorized use will be subject to extra custodial charges.
- In Rackham Auditorium, the piano lift cannot be used as a Stage Extension.
- In Rackham and Hill Auditoriums, no activity is allowed that would scuff or damage the stage floors.
- No construction or painting is allowed in the theatre other than that which is required to install previously constructed scenery, properties, or lighting equipment into the theatre. When construction or painting is necessary, precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the theatre and its contents. There is to be no affixing of anything to walls and draperies by screws, nails or tape anywhere inside or outside the building without express permission from University Productions. For Hill and Rackham Auditoriums, no nails, screws or related fasteners are to be inserted into the walls, floors, or other parts of the theatre.
- Wheelchair-accessible spaces must be held for physically-challenged patrons until one hour before the start of a performance, or until such time as all other permanent seats are sold out. These spaces should be sold on a “first-come, first-served” basis, and these requests should include the space for the companion seat, as requested by the ticket purchaser.
- Inevitably, matters will arise which are not covered by these general rules. The Backstage Operations Manager and Lobby Supervisor are the final on-site arbitrators of fire, safety, and accessibility regulations. Should a dispute arise about the interpretation of such codes, University Productions’ personnel’s interpretations of the rules shall be enforced until the appropriate code specialists can be consulted.
Hill Auditorium – Mendelssohn Theatre – Power Center – Rackham Auditorium – Arthur Miller Theatre
- The University will provide the facility heated, lighted, and clean. If Lessee cannot provide accurate access times for use at least two weeks ahead of time, then the University cannot guarantee that the building will be clean upon arrival. Rental time includes all set-up and strike time. Rental time is charged from the point that personnel, whether it be the University Productions House Technician or a member of the Lessee’s staff, enter the theatre until the time all personnel leave the theatre. If it is necessary for a staff member of University Productions to remain after the Lessee has left in order to return the theatre to its original condition, the Lessee shall be charged for this time as part of its rental.
- In order to accommodate many users, the theatre may be occupied by the Lessee only at times that have been previously arranged and agreed upon by both parties. It is at the discretion of the Facilities Manager to accommodate last-minute change-of-access requests.
- University Productions will provide the house electrics, including control board, lighting instruments, cables, and pipes which are its permanent equipment. The renting group has use of all lighting, stage, and sound equipment that is part of the theatre’s inventory at the time of their rental. Chargeable items are listed on the rate schedule.
- A House Technician assigned by University Productions shall be in attendance whenever the theatre is occupied. This individual will be responsible for securing the theatre, adjacent spaces, and their contents, and for the maintenance of house equipment. An additional technician at extra charge may be required if additional technical work is necessary. University Productions retains the right to determine if extra technicians are required.
- Lessee will provide its own scenery, costumes, properties, musical instruments, miscellaneous equipment, and any tools necessary for their installation and removal. Lessee is also responsible for providing its own stage staff and crew.
- Lessee will provide its own programs, tickets, ushers, and box office staff. With the exception of the Arthur Miller and Mendelssohn Theatres where we do not provide ticket takers, University Productions will provide ticket takers and a Lobby Supervisor for your event.
- Deliveries of scenery, lighting equipment, programs and musical instruments, such as pianos, shall be made within the rental period. The Facilities Manager will require advance notification of any deviation from this policy and will attempt to accommodate deviations if possible. Costs may be assigned depending upon required staffing, use of the stage lift or adverse effects upon other tenants. It is agreed that the facility will be vacated promptly of all personnel and equipment after the final performance unless Lessee rents an additional load-out day or is able to reach an agreement with University Productions.
- Lessee will leave the facility clean and deposit all discarded trash in proper receptacles. Extra cleaning required to put the theatre back in condition for the next tenant will be billed to the Lessee. Lessee agrees to pay costs associated with extraordinary custodial cleaning at University Productions’ sole discretion.
- Lessee shall be responsible for all damage to, or misappropriation of, the premises or any part thereof, including contents and furnishings of any building, and shall pay and reimburse the University for any such loss or damage.
- University Productions will not be responsible for losses incurred by the Lessee due to failure of systems operated by the University (i.e. Heat, Water, Air Conditioning).
- (For Non-University Lessees) Lessee shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing general liability, owned and non-owned auto liability, and workers’ compensation with limits acceptable to the University’s Risk Management office. Lessee shall notify the Risk Management office as soon as practical of any claim or potential claim arising out of this activity.
- (For Non-University lessees) Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University of Michigan, its Regents, Directors, Officers and employees for any claim that may arise due to the negligence of Lessee.
- Willful failure to follow any of the listed conditions and rules may result in the renting group being evicted from the theatre.
If you have questions regarding these policies, please contact:
Shannon Rice
Facilities Manager
(734) 647-3327
[email protected]
Contact Us
All inquiries may be mailed to:
University Productions
911 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1265
Find information about Lost & Found at this venue.
If you have rental questions or would like to rent one of our facilities, please contact:
Shannon Rice
Facilities Manager
(734) 647-3327
[email protected]
If you have questions regarding the technical specifications of Hill Auditorium, Power Center for the Performing Arts, Rackham Auditorium, or the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, please contact:
Dane Racicot
(734) 764-5553
[email protected]