Flute Institute
One-Week Summer Program
The MPulse Flute Institute is an exciting one-week program designed for the serious high school-aged flutist. The program includes instructional classes on tone, technique, intonation, and vibrato. The MPulse Flute Institute will also include sessions devoted to body awareness, combating performance anxiety, and productive practice techniques.
Institute Dates: June 29 – July 5, 2025
Institute Tuition (including room & board): $1,950
Application Status: OPEN
Non-Refundable Application Fee: $75
Fill out this form through Acceptd Support if an application fee waiver code is needed due to financial need.
Priority Application Deadline: February 1, 2025*
Priority Admissions Notification: March 1, 2025
*Applications will remain open until the program is full. Rolling application submissions will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Please check the application status above to see if we are still accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Amy Porter
Professor of Flute, UM Faculty Director
Flutist Amy Porter has been a featured soloist with the American Composers Orchestra at Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall, and with the Atlanta, Houston, Omaha, Delaware, Albany, Flint, Billings, Battle Creek, Arkansas, and Elgin Symphony Orchestras. She has twice appeared in recitals at the National Concert Hall in Taipei, as well as at Skidmore College’s Arthur Zankel Music Center. Her collaborators have included such distinguished conductors as Joanne Falletta, Nicholas McGegan, Ransom Wilson, David Alan Miller, Yoel Levi, Thomas Wilkins, José-Luis Gomez, Enrique Diemecke, David Amado, Anne Harrigan, and Christopher Confessore. She has given premieres of works by Michael Daugherty, Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, Joel Puckett, Christopher Caliendo, Katherine Hoover, and Frank Ticheli, among others.
Program Sample Schedule
The 2024 program schedule can be found here. While schedules vary year-to-year, this will provide insight into the programming provided.
Eligibility & Audition Requirements
MPulse Flute is open to students entering grades 9 (nine) through 12 (twelve) in the Fall of 2025.
Audition Video
Upload a 5-8 minute long video audition of one or more pieces, with or without accompaniment. The selection(s) should demonstrate both technical and lyrical skills.
Examples of pieces include:
- A piece performed at Solo and Ensemble Festival
- An etude
- An excerpt from something played at school
Repertoire List*
Please list the titles and composers of all pieces performed on your instrument. Be sure to include if these were performed as a soloist in a recital or as part of a school/community ensemble.
*Note: list should primarily include solo/small group repertoire from recitals/private lessons, chamber groups, solo & ensemble, etc.
Recommendation Letter
Applicants must submit one teacher evaluation (artistic teacher or mentor(s) preferred), academic teacher, or non-relative who can speak directly to the student’s academic aptitude, potential, and classroom performance. Applicants will need to provide the email address for their recommender via the Acceptd application platform. Recommenders will then privately submit their letters of recommendation via Acceptd.
Please note – Your recommender will not be prompted to submit your recommendation until you hit “submit” on your application. Please make sure your recommendation is also in by the deadline given above.
MPulse Scholarships
Application Fee Waivers
Those who qualify may reach out to the Acceptd Support team to request a waiver code to waive the $75 application fee. Please view this page on how to apply for a waiver and the documentation you will need to provide. Fill out this fee waiver form to request a code.
Merit Awards
A limited number of scholarships are available for extremely talented students based on Faculty discretion. Consideration for these scholarships is automatic for applications received by the priority application deadline.
Need-Based Awards
A limited number of need-based scholarships are available to families with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $120,000 or under in the previous calendar year, or with special circumstances due to the pandemic. To be considered you must upload your financial aid materials by the application deadline as part of your application. This includes:
- Monthly Expenses
- Previous Year’s Tax Return
- Statement of Need
Watson Scholarship (For Michigan Residents Only)
In the spirit of the life of a graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School (1942) and Michigan physician, the Watson A. Young Scholarship promotes academic excellence and college aspiration among students with financial need. These need-based scholarships support middle and high school students’ participation in summer opportunities at U-M that seek to develop students’ interests and abilities in academic disciplines and expose students to the experiences and possibilities provided by higher education.
- Information about the Watson Scholarship can be found at: ceo.umich.edu/youthhub
- The Watson Scholarship Application opens in February.
MPulse Summer Performing Arts Institutes
Office of Engagement & Outreach-Youth & Adult Programs
University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Stearns Building │ 2005 Baits Drive │ Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: (734) 936-2660
Email: [email protected]