Minor in Playwriting
The Playwriting Minor focuses on principles and techniques for the composition of creative works in theatre. The program offers a foundation of the collaborative nature of writing for the stage through in-depth instruction in the craft of writing, analysis, script editing/reading, and possible creation of full production(s). The minor is dedicated to examining new play development, applied theatre, devised theatre, and other nontraditional ways of creating stories. The minor is also geared towards preparing students who wish to work in other theatrical spaces such as dramaturgy, literary management, and education.
The minor in Playwriting consists of a minimum seventeen units (6 courses). The required courses consist of twelve units.
Silent Advisor
Degree requirements and term-by-term layout for current students.
How To Apply
All eligible students are allowed to apply to the minor. There are no restrictions in regards to when a student can apply to the minor, however, it is suggested that students apply during their Freshman year. Students in the Playwriting Minor must adhere to any prerequisites that are required of any given class. To apply for the minor, students must contact Professor José Casas for an interview.

José Casas
Associate Professor of Theatre & Drama, Playwriting