Home » Health & Safety » COVID-19 November 18, 2020 – January 17, 2021 Building Access

COVID-19 November 18, 2020 – January 17, 2021 Building Access

Nov 17, 2020 | Health & Safety, News

In response to the November 15, 2020 Pause to Save Lives Order, access to SMTD buildings from November 18, 2020 through January 17, 2021 is as follows:

When a building is marked CLOSED that indicates that there will be no student access. Faculty and staff will continue to have 24/7 access privileges, although I ask that you notify me if you plan on entering outside of the listed hours. (Note that when a building is marked CLOSED there will not be regular custodial cleaning and disinfecting.)   
  • Moore/Walgreen/Stearns
    • November 18–November 25, 2020: 7:00AM–11:00PM
    • November 26, 2020: CLOSED
    • November 27–December 22, 2020: 7:00AM–11:00PM
    • December 23, 2020–January 3, 2021: CLOSED
    • January 4, 2021–January 17, 2021: 7:00AM-11:00PM
  • Dance
    • From November 20, 2020–January 17, 2021 the Dance Building will be available to faculty, staff, and majors only.    
    • November 25–-November 29, 2020: CLOSED
    • December 23, 2020–January 3, 2021: CLOSED
  • Burton Memorial Tower/Revelli Hall
    • BMT and Revelli will remain closed to the general student population. 
    • Previously approved GSIs and student workers will continue to have access. 
    • November 25–November 29, 2020: CLOSED
    • December 23, 2020–January 3, 2021: CLOSED
Based on the recent Pause to Save Lives Order, all rooms, regardless of size, are limited to single occupancy from November 18th through December 8th. This includes practice rooms, rehearsal and recital halls, classrooms, labs, and performance studios.
  • General practice rooms at Moore will continue to be first come first serve
  • All other spaces, including rehearsal/recital halls, classrooms, labs, and performance studios, must be reserved in advance through the SMTD scheduling system
  • In the coming weeks most SMTD facilities will see far less use. Despite this de-densification, all members of our community are urged to continue to strictly adhere to the social distancing and room rest guidelines in the SMTD Safety Plan. Issues of non-compliance be sent directly to Facilities Manager Ben Thauland.


Faculty, student, and staff MCards that have expired since March 24, 2020 have been automatically renewed through January 5, 2021. After that date, expired cards will no longer work. If you have been using an expired card, please make a point to replace it before January 5, 2021. There is more information on issuing station hours and availability here 
Although in-person instruction is wrapping up for the term, SMTD will continue to provide PPE for the SMTD community as needed. Requests for additional PPE should come to Ben Thauland or Willie Micou.



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