SMTD Comp Tickets
SMTD offers generous complimentary ticket policies for eligible parties (as defined below).
Complimentary tickets (a.k.a. comps) are a privilege offered by SMTD to allow colleagues to see each other’s work and to observe student work as part of our collaborative and training processes.
There is a cost to offering this program, in the form of lost revenue which would support production budgets, and lost opportunities for members of the community to experience a production. This policy aims to ensure that this cost is not more than necessary. Repeated misuse (such as not using reserved comp tickets, trading, or sale of requested comps) by any qualifying party members may result in reduced access.
Please ensure you have familiarized yourself fully with this policy prior to requesting tickets.
Comp Policy for 2024-25
Faculty/Staff Comps are offered to current SMTD faculty and staff in any department. Part-Time Staff of University Productions, such as Lobby Attendants, work-study students, and temporary production staff are eligible.
Major Comps are offered to full-time undergraduate and graduate majors/concentrators in all SMTD departments.
Company Comps (also known as Cast/Crew or Creative Team comps) are offered to Cast, Crew, Production/Artistic Team, and Orchestra Members of each qualifying production (those in the Power Center, Lydia Mendelssohn & Arthur Miller Theatres). This does NOT include production employees in scenery, paint, properties, costumes, lighting, etc. These employees are covered under Fac/Staff Comps.
Comps may be requested for:
- The nine productions produced by University Productions in the Power Center, Arthur Miller Theatre, and Mendelssohn Theatre. In 2024-25, these performances are:
- Julius Caesar, presented by the Department of Theatre & Drama
- Twelfth Night, presented by the Department of Musical Theatre
- Hänsel und Gretel, presented by the Department of Voice & Opera and the University Symphony Orchestra
- John Proctor Is the Villain, presented by the Department of Theatre & Drama
- The Annual Dance Concert, presented by the Department of Dance
- A Few Good Men, presented by the Department of Theatre & Drama
- L’Orfeo, presented by the Department of Voice & Opera and the Baroque Chamber Orchestra
- Our Oz, presented by the Department of Theatre & Drama
- Titanic: The Musical, presented by the Department of Musical Theatre
- Most SMTD-produced and ticketed concerts in Hill Auditorium. For the 24-25 season, these are:
- Band-O-Rama
- Halloween Concert
- Studio productions ticketed by the League Ticket Office. For the 24-25 season, the qualifying studio performance is:
- The Government Inspector, presented by the Department of Musical Theatre
- Exceptions:
- While these performances are ticketed by the League Ticket Office, they do not qualify for comps:
- Musical Theatre Senior Showcase
- Collage Concert
- Men’s & Women’s Glee Club fall and spring concerts
- Some performances are ticketed, but not through the League Ticket Office. These performances do not qualify for the SMTD comp policy. For the 24-25 season, these performances include:
- Bat Boy, presented by the Department of Musical Theatre with Encore in Dexter. Tickets must be purchased through Encore directly.
- The Jazz Showcase at the Ark. Tickets must be purchased through the Ark directly.
- While these performances are ticketed by the League Ticket Office, they do not qualify for comps:
- Exceptions to this policy are likely and should be expected. Not all performances may be available for purchase at any given time. This policy is subject to change, and may change at the discretion of the box office.
- The nine productions produced by University Productions in the Power Center, Arthur Miller Theatre, and Mendelssohn Theatre. In 2024-25, these performances are:
- You may qualify for one category of comp per production. Complimentary tickets are issued as a courtesy to individuals and not to positions. Individuals who fall into multiple categories must choose one category to redeem.
- Example: In the case where a faculty member is also the director of a production, the faculty member will receive their director comps but may not also redeem their faculty comps for that production, as the faculty comp is intended for your personal use, not a guest.
- Comps are for your use only. They are not to be traded or sold.
- If you request complimentary tickets and find you are no longer able to use them, you must release your ticket for resale. Tickets may also be released via email to [email protected] or via phone to the box office at 734-764-2538.
- In order to accommodate unexpected circumstances, the ticket office reserves the right to move any complimentary tickets into comparable or improved seat locations.
- Make your requests early. Seating is limited. In most cases, we do not put blocks of tickets aside in advance for comps. Instead, we fill comp ticket requests as we receive them. If you wait until the last minute to request comps for a popular title, tickets may no longer be available.
Complimentary tickets are closely monitored. Tickets are scanned upon entry to every performance. Tickets not scanned, even if you were present, are presumed to be unused. Anyone who demonstrates a pattern of reserving comps and leaving them unreleased and unused may have their comp ticket privileges reduced or revoked. The terms of reduced and/or revoked privileges depend on the comp category.
Additionally, if you request more comps than you are eligible for the ticket office reserves the right to release all comps requested above and beyond your qualifying amount. You will be contacted if this happens.
Fac/Staff Policy
- Eligible Parties: Faculty/Staff Comps are offered to current SMTD faculty and staff in any department. Part-Time Staff of University Productions, such as Lobby Attendants, work-study students, and temporary production staff are eligible.Qualifying faculty and staff members within the School of Music, Theatre & Dance receive two complimentary tickets per performance for eligible performances in the season, based on availability.
- Fac/Staff comps may be available for the MT Senior Showcase closer to the date of performance. More information will be made available when the status of fac/staff comps is known.
- Requesting Tickets: Fac/staff tickets are processed online only, via the ticketing website. Detailed instructions will be sent out from [email protected] at the beginning of the season. This includes your specific ticket access and a step-by-step guide for processing your tickets online.
- If you do not see this email, check your spam folder for emails from [email protected]. If you did not receive it, please email [email protected] to ensure you are properly flagged as a faculty/staff member in the ticket office system. Newly hired faculty/staff members are not automatically flagged by the ticket office without being notified.
- Picking Up Tickets: Fac/staff comp tickets may be picked up at the Will-Call window at the theatre’s box office on the night of the performance, or emailed to your university email address. These comps are for your use only and may not be traded or sold. Any comps left in Will-Call by 15 minutes prior to curtain may be released for sale.
- If you are no longer able to use your comps, please release your ticket for resale by contacting the box office at [email protected], or by calling 734-764-2538.
- Please note that in order to accommodate unexpected circumstances, the ticket office and University Productions reserve the right to move any complimentary tickets into comparable or improved seat locations.
SMTD Major Comps Policy
- Majors qualify for one comp ticket per production for eligible performances in the season (as defined above).
- Majors may request their comp in advance via the online system. The tickets available in advance may be limited, depending on performance venue.
- The box office will review orders in advance of the performance, and any majors requesting more than a single major ticket will have their subsequent orders released. Only the first major ticket will remain. If you need to exchange their tickets for a different performance, you must contact [email protected] for assistance in advance.
- Picking Up Tickets: Major comp tickets must be picked up at the Will-Call window, with your student ID, at the theatre’s box office on the night of the performance. Any comps left in Will-Call by 15 minutes prior to curtain may be released for sale.
- If you are no longer able to use your comp, please release your ticket for resale by contacting the box office at [email protected], or by calling 734-764-2538.
- Please note that seating is at the discretion of the box office, based on ticket availability. In many cases, this may be the balcony or mezzanine.
Company Comps Policy
- Access:
- Each cast and crew member of a production receives two complimentary tickets to use for the run of that production (total). The two tickets may either be used together or split into separate dates.
- Creative team members of a production receive at least two complimentary tickets to use for the run of the production. Artistic staff who must be present at multiple performances, such as directors, choreographers, and conductors, may request additional tickets for themselves.
- Requesting Tickets: Company Comps must be requested online, via the ticketing website, through the use of a promo code. At the beginning of the production, you will be sent the applicable promo code. You may then request your 2 comps at any time prior to the performance.
- These codes will be limited in terms of quantity and access, and those who misuse the code may have their orders returned or be contacted for payment.
- Please note that the box office does not reserve seats for company comps, so your seats will be subject to availability. We strongly recommend that you reserve company comps as soon as the code is sent, as shows can sell out (particularly in small venues).
- Picking Up Tickets: Company comp tickets may be picked up at the Will-Call window at the theatre’s box office on the night of the performance. The tickets will be held under the name used when requesting the comps via the online system (i.e., your name).
- These tickets may not be sold.
- The box office will have access to the full company list for each production, and will release all tickets requested via the company code by students whose names are not on the company list. Anyone who believes their tickets have been released in error must contact Sarah Erlewine at [email protected] directly.
How to Request Your Faculty/Staff or Major Comp Tickets
Important! Read Before Continuing
- Complimentary tickets cannot be arranged by phone or in person at the Ticket Office. If you cannot use this system, please email [email protected] for assistance. The student staff at the box office will not be able to assist you if you call.
- Currently, our seat-selection system is not designed to accommodate screen readers. If you need assistance in completing your order, please email [email protected] and a staff member will assist you.
- If you are involved in the production, please do not redeem your comps through this system – you will be able to request your production comps through a promo code (emailed at the beginning of your production process). Note that different comp types cannot be combined.
- In order to accommodate unexpected circumstances, the ticket office and University Productions reserve the right to move any complimentary tickets into comparable or improved seat locations.
- If you know in advance that you are not able to attend a performance, please call the Ticket Office at 734-764-2538 at your earliest opportunity to release your seats. You may leave a message if it is after hours.
- To be sure that we have every opportunity to sell available seats, we ask that you pick up your tickets 15 minutes before curtain, or they may be released for sale.
- Please double check the dates/times on your ticket confirmation to make sure you requested the correct tickets! We cannot guarantee the ability to reseat you for a different performance if you arrive at a performance with tickets for a different dates.
- You will not be required to enter your credit card information for zero balance orders. If you add extra tickets, or if your comps do not generate correctly, you will be prompted to enter payment information.
- DO NOT ENTER PAYMENT INFORMATION IF YOUR ORDER IS MEANT TO BE COMPED – there are no refunds once payments go through.
- IF YOU ARE NEW TO SMTD: This will not work for you until you are flagged in the system. While we pull the most up-to-date data at the beginning of the semester, if you are start late or are otherwise concerned that your SMTD status has not been added to our system, your supervisor or advisor should email [email protected] to confirm your position and start date. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT!
Step 1. Log in
- Visit
- Log in to the ticket page using your umich email address and your ticketing site password (not your umich password). You must log in before selecting seats.
Do not create a new account!
You already have one in our system, and it is imperative that you use your existing login.
If you cannot remember your login, or if this is your first time using our login to request comp tickets, follow the prompts to request a new password. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
Step 2. Select Your Performance
- Once you are logged in, you will be brought to the full season listing.
- Find your desired production in this list, and select the “purchase” button next to the performance date you wish to attend.
- You can change performance dates from the section selection screen by selecting the new date from the left-hand menu.
Step 3. Select Your Seats or Ticket Type
For General Admission performances (Arthur Miller Theatre)
For Reserved Seating performances
Seat Restrictions
Faculty/Staff: You may select from any seats marked General Admission – Main Floor (Arthur Miller Theatre), B Main Floor, or anything in the Mezzanine or Balcony levels. A Main Floor seats do not qualify for the Faculty/Staff discount.
Majors: You may select from any available seats in Arthur Miller Theatre, or any available seats in the Mezzanine or Balcony in all other venues. Main Floor seats do not qualify for the Major Comp discount.
Unsure what seats are which? Check the legend!

Step 4. Continue Shopping or Check Out
- You may click on “Continue Shopping” to select more performances if you wish, your can select “Proceed to Checkout.” Your order is not complete until you check out.
- When you have finished selecting the performances you wish to see, hit “Proceed to Checkout” and proceed through all steps until you reach the confirmation screen that states “Thank You For Your Order.”
- You will receive an email that will confirm your ticket order. If you selected Will-Call (the only option available for major comps), your tickets will be held at the ticket office for pick up the night of the performance. You will also receive a reminder email the week of the performance. If you selected digital tickets (available for faculty/staff), Iyou will receive an email with a digital ticket link and instructions soon.
League Ticket Office Hours
Phone & In-Person: Monday – Friday 10-5pm
(734) 764-2538 (for sales questions)
Email: [email protected] (for comp-related questions)