Code of Conduct & Academic Policies

Academic and Non-Academic Code of Conduct

Academic Code of Conduct

Honesty, fairness, and trust are fundamental values upon which the University is founded. The academic conduct of students enrolled in the SMTD is governed by its rules and policies. Each member of the SMTD should realize that deception for the purposes of individual gain or convenience is an offense against the other members of the School and the University. Such dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:


Submitting the work of another person as one’s own; stealing the ideas, data, or written work of others; copying the work of others without proper acknowledgment; or otherwise falsely taking credit.


Using unauthorized notes, study aids, or information from another student or from another student’s paper or examination, including cheating on a computer-administered examination; altering graded work after it has been returned and submitting the work for re-grading; allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting the work as one’s own; or submitting one’s own work previously submitted for another course without fully revealing the circumstances to the instructor.

Aiding and Abetting Dishonesty

Providing material or information to another person with knowledge that it will be improperly used.

Dishonesty in Reporting the Results of Research

Misrepresenting data or information, or reporting false or misleading data or information including fabrication, improper adjustment of results, selective reporting for purposes of deception, omission of conflicting data for purposes of deception, or presenting information not gathered in accordance with appropriate methods for collecting or analyzing data, and failing to include an accurate account of the method by which the information was gathered or analyzed.

Falsification of Records and Official Documents

Altering documents affecting academic records; providing false information with intent to undermine the orderly functioning of the SMTD or the University; forging signatures or falsifying information on an official academic document, drop/add form, grade report, transcript, letter of permission, petition, or any document designed to meet or exempt a student from a regulation or procedure of the SMTD or the University, including making alterations after a document is signed.

Unauthorized or Malicious Interference or Tampering with Computer Property

Stealing, destroying, or tampering with the computer software, files, or data of others for purposes of academic gain or convenience.

When a complainant believes that academic dishonesty may have taken place, he or she should present the evidence to the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs or the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. The Dean will arrange for a hearing to determine whether the evidence is admissible. In the event that it is not, the case shall be dismissed.

If the evidence is admissible, the Hearing Board must determine whether the evidence is sufficient. In the event that it is not, the case shall be dismissed. If the evidence is sufficient, the defendant is adjudged guilty of the infraction and the Hearing Board must take such action as is appropriate.

Penalties for plagiarism, cheating, aiding and abetting dishonesty, dishonesty in reporting the results of research, falsification of records and official documents, and unauthorized or malicious interference or tampering with computer property are spelled out in the Manual of Procedures for Dealing with Infractions of the Code of Academic Conduct for the SMTD. This is available in the office of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies.

Non-Academic Code of Conduct

Students at the University of Michigan (U-M) expect members of their community to be responsible for their actions and to respect the rights of others. These expectations are not meant to limit students’ constitutional right to freedom of expression. The non-academic conduct of students enrolled in the SMTD is governed by the rules and policies of the University, which can be found through the Office of Student Conflict Resolution, Division of Student Affairs.

U-M Policy and Procedures on Student Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct

The University of Michigan (University) supports its educational mission by fostering a community based on civility, dignity, diversity, inclusivity, education, equality, freedom, honesty, and safety. Consistent with these values, the University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of the University community. The University does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any of its education or employment programs and activities.

The University prohibits sexual assault, sexual and gender-based harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, retaliation, and violation of interim measures (collectively Prohibited Conduct). Prohibited Conduct is expressly forbidden and will not be tolerated at the University. It may also violate federal and state law.

The University adopts this Policy and Procedures on Student Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (Policy or Policy and Procedures) with a commitment to: (1) eliminating, preventing, and addressing the effects of Prohibited Conduct; (2) fostering an environment where all individuals are well-informed and supported in reporting Prohibited Conduct; (3) providing a fair and impartial process for all parties; and (4) identifying the standards by which violations of this Policy will be evaluated and disciplinary action may be imposed. University students who violate this Policy may face disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

The Policy and Procedures sets forth how the University will proceed once it is made aware of possible Prohibited Conduct in keeping with our institutional values and to meet our legal obligations under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX); the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA); and other applicable law.

The University strongly encourages the reporting of sexual misconduct. Confidential reports can be submitted HERE.

The University will respond to reports of sexual misconduct made to a non-confidential University employee. All reports will be reported to the Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office. To access confidential assistance, students may contact a confidential reporting location. The University strongly encourages anyone who believes they experienced a sexual assault (or any other crime) to make a report to the University of Michigan Police Department.

U-M Policy and Procedures on Student Discrimination and Harassment

The University is committed to providing safe spaces for community members to report an incident. The staff of these offices has been trained to be welcoming and sensitive to student, staff and community concerns. People from all backgrounds are invited to report and share.

If you witness or experience conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion).

Primary Reporting Areas

  • Dean of Students Office
    3100 Michigan Union
  • Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office
    2030 Administrative Services
  • Division of Public Safety and Security
    Emergencies: Dial 911
    Non-emergencies: 734-763-1131
    1239 Kipke Drive
  • University Housing
    Housing Diversity and Inclusion staff –
    Hall Director (HD) and Community Center Manager (CCM)
    Resident Advisor (RA) and Diversity Peer Educator (DPE)

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Though the emphasis of this policy is on prevention and assistance for problems associated with alcohol and other drugs, the offer of help and the willingness to accept help does not preclude sanctions or excuse members of the SMTD community from obligations to the School or liability under relevant laws. Consideration of sanctions may be necessary when alcohol or other drug use interferes with work or academic performance, threatens the safety of others, or violates the policy of the University.

Conflict Resolution

The Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR) is responsible for administering the University’s Code of Student Conduct, known as The StatementThe Statement sets forth the values of the University Community, indicates the behaviors that violate those values, and establishes a process for reviewing and resolving allegations of misconduct. OSCR provides support to alleged violators as well as complainants, and involvement of any student in the resolution process is confidential except in cases of sexual misconduct.

Credit Hour Policy

School of Music, Theatre & Dance Credit Hour Policy

The School of Music, Theatre & Dance’s policy for awarding credit hours is based on the guidelines of the National Association of Schools of Music and the National Association of Schools of Dance in accordance with Guidance on Defining the Academic Credit Hours as laid out by the University of Michigan Office of the Provost.

A credit hour (semester hour) represents an average of at least 3 hours of engagement with the course and course material each week, for the duration of the term. This guidance should be adapted appropriately for courses of durations other than full term (minicourses, half-term courses, or other curricular structures). The number of credit hours awarded for a given course is generally based on contact hours (time spent by students engaged with the course instructor), with 1 credit hour representing at least 1 contact hour and 2-3 additional hours of study or preparation outside of class per week. Credit for other kinds of academic requirements or offerings that are in different formats, use different modes of delivery, or that are structured to take a different amount of time is computed on the same basis in terms of representing at least the equivalent amount of work.

Although the demands of each performance may vary, it is understood that performance preparation courses (e.g. rehearsals, practicums, workshops, studio, and repertoire study) will generally follow the same guidelines, with 1 credit hour representing the equivalent of at least 3 hours of engagement with the course material per week.

Private instruction in a major or secondary subject in music will award 1 credit hour for each 3 hours per week of practice or preparation, plus the necessary individual instruction, with a maximum of 6 credits per term allowed for the major subject in music performance.

In lecture-discussion courses, normally 1 hour of credit is given for one period of recitation (50 minutes) plus 2 hours of preparation each week of the term. In laboratory courses, normally 1 hour of credit is given for two to three 50-minute recitation periods per week.

School of Music, Theatre & Dance programs that are administered by the Rackham Graduate School will adhere to all policies outlined by the Rackham Graduate School’s policy governing the Assignment of Credit Hours.

Student Grievance Procedure

Any student of the U-M having a complaint against a member of the SMTD faculty or staff, or a SMTD policy should attempt to resolve the matter through informal discussion or other appeal to teaching or administrative personnel of the SMTD. This procedure may be used in any matter relating to discrimination in violation of University or School Policy.

If satisfactory resolution of the matter cannot be achieved informally, the student should follow these procedures:

  • Within ninety (90) days of the date of the alleged offense or the date of origin of the alleged condition, the student should write directly to the Dean of the SMTD, setting forth as succinctly and clearly as possible the nature of the complaint together with specific suggestions for a satisfactory remedy of the matter.
  • The Dean’s Office will contact the faculty or staff member involved in writing, advising him/her that the complaint has been received and that it is being referred to the appropriate Associate Dean.
  • The Associate Dean’s Office will contact the defendant within five (5) academic calendar days after receipt of the complaint from the Dean and arrange a meeting as soon as scheduling permits.
  • The Associate Dean and the complainant will meet privately and confer regarding a resolution.
  • After the meeting, the Associate Dean will meet with the relevant individual(s) to confer regarding a resolution.
  • The Associate Dean will write a report within five (5) academic calendar days and provide copies to the Dean and the complainant.
  • If the issue is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, he/she may, within three (3) academic calendar days, make further appeal to the Dean by calling the Dean’s Office and asking for a meeting as soon as scheduling permits.
  • After the meeting, the Dean will meet with the relevant individual(s) to confer regarding a resolution.
  • If the Dean is unable to reach a resolution to the problem, he/she will write a report and place the matter on the Executive Committee’s agenda as soon as possible.
  • The Executive Committee will be provided with copies of the student’s complaint, the Associate Dean’s report, and the Dean’s report.
  • The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate the matter within five (5) academic calendar days.
  • The disposition of the further appeal by the Executive Committee or by the ad hoc committee will be described in writing to the appellant and the complainant.

Academic Discipline and Probation

SMTD undergraduate students are required to maintain a minimum term or cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. Additionally, students must achieve a final, cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in order to be eligible for degree approval. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) runs a GPA report at the end of each semester to identify any student who may have fallen below the 2.0 GPA minimum. As a result, one of the following levels of academic discipline may be imposed:

Academic Probation

A student whose term or cumulative GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on Probation. Students on Probation must attain a 2.0 term or cumulative GPA during the next term of enrollment, or will otherwise be moved to Stringent Probation.

If the student on Probation shows significant improvement in grades without course withdrawals, but is still below a 2.0 GPA, “Continued Probation” will apply.

Stringent Probation

A student who is already on Probation whose term or cumulative remains below a 2.0 will be placed on Stringent Probation. Students on Stringent Probation must attain a 2.0 term or cumulative GPA during the next term of enrollment, or will otherwise be restricted from further enrollment at U-M.

If the student on Stringent Probation shows significant improvement in grades without course withdrawals, but is still below a 2.0 GPA, the academic status will be moved to Probation.

Not to Register (NTR)

A student on Stringent Probation whose term or cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 and has not shown significant academic improvement without course withdrawals will be restricted from further enrollment at U-M.

Students who have been moved to NTR but wish to return to SMTD, will need to prove academic success (2.0 GPA or above) at a community college or outside university for two consecutive full terms with a minimum full time credit load (12 credits per term).

After completing outside studies, students wishing to return to SMTD must petition the major department and Council of Departmental Representatives (CDR) for consideration of reinstatement.

  • Petitions must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the term in which the student wishes to return and must include the following:
    • Information on the cause of initial academic struggle and how the student has resolved or is resolving those issues
    • Official transcript from the outside institution where the student has demonstrated academic success
    • Plan for course elections upon return
    • Letter from and SMTD academic advisor indicating they have met and discussed registration moving forward

Approval of reinstatement by the major department or CDR is not guaranteed. If denied, the student may appeal for reinstatement no less than one academic year later, and no more than one additional time; a new audition/interview may be required.

Students reinstated from NTR will return on Stringent Probation and must achieve a 2.0 term or cumulative GPA within the first term of enrollment.

Students reinstated from NTR will not be allowed to withdraw from any class after the third week in the semester of return. A full term medical withdrawal will be allowed as an exception. Students reinstated from NTR who do not achieve a 2.0 term or cumulative GPA within the semester of return, or who are placed on NTR for a second time within any term of enrollment will not be allowed to return to SMTD, but may apply to another school/college at U-M.

Observance of Religious Holidays

Although the University of Michigan, as an institution, does not observe religious holidays, it has long been the University’s policy that every reasonable effort should be made to help students avoid negative academic consequences when their religious obligations conflict with academic requirements. Absence from classes or examinations for religious reasons does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of absence. Students who expect to miss classes, examinations, or other assignments as a consequence of their religious observance shall be provided with a reasonable alternative opportunity to complete such academic responsibilities. It is the obligation of students to provide faculty with reasonable notice of the dates of religious holidays on which they will be absent. Such notice must be given by the drop/add deadline of the given term. Students who are absent on days of examinations or class assignments shall be offered an opportunity to make up the work, without penalty, unless it can be demonstrated that a make-up opportunity would interfere unreasonably with the delivery of the course. Should disagreement arise over any aspect of this policy, the parties involved should contact the Department Chair, the Dean of the School, or the Ombudsperson. Final appeals will be resolved by the Provost.



Recordings and Photographs for Marketing

Many of the performances at SMTD are recorded, photographed, and/or videotaped. The images and sounds from these recordings may be posted on SMTD’s website and social media platforms, and may also be used in SMTD marketing materials.

Attendance and Absences

Students are expected to comply with attendance policies written within the syllabus for each individual class. Failure to do so will affect the final grade.

Students should also review policies relating to SSD and medical documentation, as SSD accommodations are not retroactive and medical documentation must be presented to instructors immediately following the absence. In some cases, it may not be academically possible for instructors to excuse absences even with documentation.


Leave of Absence Policy

SMTD students may take a leave of absence for one full term (Fall or Winter) without applying for readmission. Students who are not enrolled for two or more consecutive terms may be required to reapply for admission, and in some cases, re-audition. The student’s degree department at the time of the leave of absence will determine approval for readmission.

Students interested in taking a leave of absence must contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA).

Re-Admission Policy

Students who have not been enrolled for more than two consecutive terms must be readmitted to continue studies at SMTD. Former students should contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) to initiate the process of readmission. It may be determined that new application materials and an interview, portfolio, and/or audition will be required.

For undergraduate students, there is no time limit for completion of a degree, though students may be required to follow updated degree requirements if there have been significant curricular changes from the time of original enrollment.

Master of Music and Specialist students have six (6) years from the time of initial enrollment to complete all degree requirements. Any appeals to that time limit must be submitted to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies.

Students who have not been enrolled due to restricted registration due to Academic Probation should see readmission procedures under “Academic Discipline and Probation”.


SMTD students will have access to departmental advisors within their field of study, as well as general advisors on staff. Advisors may interpret degree requirements, explain school policies, acquaint students with University resources, help plan academic strategies, and support students who encounter difficulties. It is also highly recommended that students meet with an advisor at least once per year for a check of degree progress.

Progress Toward a Degree

A student is expected to elect courses consistent with the curriculum of his or her declared major and is expected to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of that degree. Although academic advisors assist with course selections, the completion of degree requirements is the student’s responsibility.

Exams and Juries

The final examination schedule for the end of each term is fixed by the University and is distributed through the University Registrar’s Office. Students should check the individual course syllabus and note the dates and times of final exams at the beginning of the semester. No travel plans should conflict with these dates, and early purchase of plane, train, or bus tickets is not an excuse to miss classes or exams. Failure to comply with exam and jury schedules will affect the final grade.

Juries are final examinations in performance courses. Students enrolled in performance courses with the catalog number 100, 139, 240, 440, 539, and 639 are required to present a formal jury during the final examination period. Students enrolled in other performance course numbers may be required to present an informal jury in any semester, at the discretion of the instructor. Accompanists are required for formal juries. Questions about jury schedules should be directed to the Chair of the student’s department.

Graduate Theory Placement Exams

Unless otherwise noted by the department, each new graduate student in music entering at the Fall or Winter term is required to take a placement examination in music theory during the first term of residence. A student who has taken Music Theory 430 or another 400/500 level course in theory at the University of Michigan during the preceding four years is not required to take the examination. Music Theory testing information and exam signup is regularly updated on the website prior to the start of each term.


Except for office staff specifically authorized to sign for their supervisors, no person may sign the name of another person to any University document. Forging the name of a faculty member or administrator is a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action under the SMTD Code of Academic Conduct.

Completion of Degree Requirements in Residence

Students must complete core requirements of a degree in-residence at U-M. With the exception of transfer students who may have completed equivalent coursework to SMTD requirements, courses from outside institutions may only apply to elective credit and must be pre-approved from both the student’s home department and the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Time Limit to Degree Completion

For undergraduate students, there is no time limit for completion of a degree, though students may be required to follow updated degree requirements if there have been significant curricular changes from the time of original enrollment.

Master of Music and Specialist students have six (6) years from the time of initial enrollment to complete all degree requirements. Any appeals to that time limit must be submitted to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies.

Rackham students (MA, MFA, DMA, PhD) should contact the Rackham Office for information on time for completion related to their degree.

Students Anticipating Doctoral Study

In addition to two terms of a foreign language, any master’s student anticipating doctoral study at U-M should, as part of her or his master’s program, complete at least two graduate courses in music history and/or theory, including Musicology 503 (Music Bibliography) plus a course to satisfy the pedagogy requirement. A student pursuing the master’s degree elsewhere should elect a music bibliography course equivalent to Musicology 503.

AP/IB Credits

The SMTD accepts Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credit in accordance with University policies which are outlined on the Undergraduate Admissions website.

Non-Candidate for Degree

Non-Candidate for Degree (NCFD) status is intended for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge or improve skills but do not wish to pursue a degree. It has no implication with respect to subsequent admission to a degree program. Courses available to NCFD students are subject to instructor permission and classroom space.