Academic Advising

School of Music, Theatre and Dance undergraduate, master and specialist students are encouraged to take advantage of the Academic Advising resources available through the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA). From orientation to graduation, OASA helps students navigate college life both inside and outside of the classroom, including guidance on the following:

OASA offers options to meet with an advisor.

Scheduled Appointments

These appointments are ideal for developing long-term plans, selecting courses for future terms, exploring minors, registration assistance, changing or adding a second major, study abroad, and learning about ways to get involved with university organizations.

Drop-In Advising at the Walgreen Drama Center

Do you have a quick question about…

  • Next term planning?
  • Exploring or adding a minor?
  • Registration help?
  • Resources on campus?
  • Changing or adding a second major?

Come chat with an SMTD academic advisor during drop-in advising (no appointment necessary!)

Location: Walgreen Drama Center, Second-Floor Lobby

  • Tuesdays, 12-2pm
  • Wednesdays, 12-2pm

Drop-in advising sessions will begin on Tuesday, February 4 and end on Wednesday, April 16. There will be no sessions on March 4, 5, and 11.

These drop-in conversations are the same as scheduled appointments, just shorter. They can cover any general advising topic and are designed to last for around 5-10 minutes. Please note that drop-in advising sessions typically begin a few weeks after classes have started.

Students are also welcome to set up individual advising meetings by emailing [email protected], or any member of the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (names and email addresses listed below).

Student Resources

Prospective Dual Degree Students

Are you a current SMTD undergraduate student, and interested in adding a second degree in another school at the University of Michigan (LSA, Ross School of Business, etc.)? We encourage you to review the SMTD Dual Degree Info Sheet and to meet with an SMTD advisor to discuss the dual degree process.

Office of Academic and Student Affairs
Contact Information


Undergraduate, MM or SM students may contact the following:

General Advising: [email protected]
Abigail Choi – Academic Advisor
[email protected]
Becky Olsen – Academic Advisor
[email protected]

Advising and Degree Audits:
Ben ThaulandAssistant Director of Academic Affairs and Student Services
[email protected]
Deedee Ulintz – Director of Academic and Student Affairs
[email protected]

Rackham Students (MA, MFA, DMA, PhD) may contact:

Lyn Weber-Lynch – Assistant to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
[email protected]