SMTD Mental Health Resources

Wellness Coaching: At SMTD, students have the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one wellness coachings. Through these sessions, students may discuss their goals for positive change in a supportive environment with Amy West, Lecturer in Dance & Mayo Clinic-Certified Wellness Coach. Schedule a coaching appointment

Mind-Body Balance Series: Offers a variety of free synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The asynchronous series is open to SMTD and the general public, and consists of 10-minute videos delivered to your inbox weekly on topics such as meditation, yoga, pilates, and strengthening. The onsite series, only open to SMTD faculty and staff, offers a weekly walking group, yoga, and pilates classes. Register for Mind-Body Balance Series offerings.

U-M Mental Health Resources

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free and confidential psychological services for currently enrolled U of M undergraduate and graduate students. We strive to provide the following services in an atmosphere that is welcoming, comfortable and multi-culturally sensitive for all students. 

To schedule an appointment with SMTD’s embedded counselor, Janelis Turner, LLMSW, please email her directly at [email protected].

CAPS is located on the 4th Floor of the Michigan Union
530 South State Street, Suite 4079  Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
Business hours are Fall-Winter: Monday – Thursday, 8am-6pm and Friday, 8am-5pm. Spring-Summer Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm

CAPS provides:

  • Brief individual, couples, and group therapy
  • Drop-In workshops and outreach presentations
  • Urgent/Crisis intervention
  • Assistance with referrals

Have an urgent concern or crisis?

  • Call or walk in to CAPS (on central campus, during business hours) to see the Counselor on Duty. No appointment is necessary.

CAPS After Hours: If you need help with an urgent mental health concern after typical business hours call CAPS at 734-764-8312 and press 0 to speak to a licensed mental health professional.

U-M Comprehensive Depression Center

1 in 6 people will experience an episode of depression in their lives, and is often undertreated and misdiagnosed. The goal of the Comprehensive Depression Center is to detect disorders earlier, effectively treat them, prevent recurrences, counteract the stigma associated with the disease, and improve public policy.

Campus Mind Works drop in groups available on North and Central Campus.

The Rachel Upjohn Building, located at 4250 Plymouth Road, houses the U-M Depression Center and Department of Psychiatry. They are open from 7:30am until 7pm Mondays through Thursdays, and close at 5pm on Fridays. Call 734-936-4400 to make an appointment.

U-M Psychological Clinic

The U-M Psychological Clinic provides psychoeducational evaluations and evidence-based psychotherapy to students and faculty as well as community members and others based in southeast Michigan. The clinic provides individual, couples, and group counseling for common problems such as perfectionism and procrastination, school and career difficulties, trauma and grieving, and many others.

There is a link to take a screening survey on the website, and you can call 734-764-3471 to make an appointment.

Wolverine Wellness

Wolverine Wellness provides the following individual services for students:

  • Wellness Coaching: A FREE 1:1 coaching conversation available to undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS): a two session screening and discussion for students who want to explore their alcohol use.
  • Individual Marijuana Education Program (IMEP): a two session screening and discussion for students who want to explore their marijuana use.
  • Anonymous HIV Testing: free for U-M students.

Find more information and schedule an appointment on the Wolverine Wellness page.

Meditation on Central Campus

Drop-in Meditation through Mindfulness@Umich sessions available to all students.


SilverCloud is an online platform that is available to students, faculty and staff at no cost. It offers self-guided programs for anxiety, depression, stress, resilience, or insomnia. Based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles, the self-guided program is available anytime, on any device.

Aimed at providing treatment for mild or moderate issues, SilverCloud allows individuals to confidentially manage symptoms using the program’s interactive content and skill-building tools.

The SilverCloud program is not meant to replace existing services in any way, but rather to serve as an additional, time-flexible option for those who wish to manage day-to-day stressors personally and anonymously.

The website provides an overview of options and a brief quiz to help you find the right program for you to get started. Once you’ve selected a program, you can explore more topics on the signup page.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)

SAPAC promotes social change and activism through professional services and student leadership development. They offer workshops and educational opportunities for UM staff and faculty, tips for bystander intervention and peer-led support groups.

Sexual Misconduct Reporting & Resources

U-M is committed to preventing sexual misconduct and offering support to those who have been harmed. Sexual assault, harassment, discrimination and all forms of sexual misconduct have no place at the University of Michigan. It’s up to each of us to create a healthy and safe campus; to support those who come forward; and to participate in prevention programs. The central website for Sexual Misconduct Reporting & Resources provides tools and resources that can help us ensure a safe and respectful campus.

Office of LGBT Affairs (SPECTRUM)

SPECTRUM offers many resources for students of all orientations. Students can learn how to be an ally and  find a peer support group. They offer educational opportunities, mentorship, grants & scholarships, ally training, resources and advocacy.


BIPOC-focused Mental Health Support Resources