Academic Procedures
Grade Information
Grading marks used and associated honor points:
- A+ / 4.0 honor points
- A / 4.0
- A- / 3.7
- B+ / 3.3
- B / 3.0
- B- / 2.7
- C+ / 2.3
- C / 2.0
- C- / 1.7
- D+ / 1.3
- D / 1.0
- D- / 0.7
- E / 0.0
- P (Pass) / 0.0; used for courses set up or taken as P/F
- F (Fail) / 0.0; used for courses set up or taken as P/F
- S (Satisfactory) / N/A; only used for Doctoral students
- U (Unsatisfactory) / N/A; only used for Doctoral students
- AUD (Audit) or VI (Visit) / N/A
- Y (Course ongoing) / N/A; for courses extending over more than one term
- I (Incomplete) / 0.0; only applicable in exceptional situations; see policy on Incomplete grades
- ED (No grade entered) / 0.0; posted when course remains ungraded and is not withdrawn
- NR (No Report) / 0.0; posted when student has never attended a class but does not withdraw
- W (Withdrawn) / N/A; indicates official withdrawal from a class
Unless otherwise stated, a “D-” may be considered passing for undergraduate students. Exceptions include first year writing, upper level writing, and core requirements within a degree, so students should check with an Academic Advisor before assuming a passing grade.
Graduate students must get a “C-” or better in order for the course to count toward degree requirements.
Pass/Fail Grades
Pass/Fail (P/F) Policies for Undergraduate Students
These policies are effective as of Fall 2023 for all current and new undergraduate students.
IMPORTANT: It is not the responsibility of any instructor to know or communicate the following P/F policy; other units on campus may have different policies and instructors may have students from multiple units in one class. SMTD students (or dual degree students with SMTD as the Home School) must follow SMTD policies regardless of what unit houses the course elected.
No required course can be taken P/F
- Any course that is a listed requirement for the SMTD may not be taken P/F.
Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in order to take a course P/F.
- Any course elected as P/F will carry credit but does not factor into the GPA. Instructors will not know if a course is taken P/F and will enter a grade accordingly. Prior to posting, the grade will automatically adjust to reflect P/F status as follows:
- Pass (P) = A+ through C-
- Fail (F) = D+ through E
- “F” graded courses do not fulfill requirements or credits.
No more than 20 credits of coursework toward the overall credit minimum required for the degree can be taken P/F
- Courses set up for only P/F grading status (PAT 400, PIANO 460, etc.) do not count toward the 20 credit maximum.
- Students may take more than one course in a semester P/F, if desired.
Changes to grading status will not be allowed after the ninth week of the full term (first week of the half term) for any reason.
- Students must make adjustments to grading status before the end of the ninth week in a Fall or Winter term.
Pass/Fail (P/F) Policies for Graduate Students
These policies are effective as of Fall 2023 for all current and new graduate students.
Graduate students in the SMTD are not permitted to elect any courses in the SMTD on a P/F basis, including courses taken to make up undergraduate deficiencies. Similarly, courses outside the SMTD elected to satisfy a student’s degree requirement may not be elected P/F.
Courses outside of the SMTD that are taken purely for interest may be taken P/F, but grading adjustments must be made within the first three weeks of a Fall or Winter term. No more than one course per term may be elected P/F.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades are restricted to situations where a student has missed a small portion of the class due to unforeseen circumstances and has been communicative about their situation. Incomplete grades are not intended for, and will not be given to students who have several unexcused absences, missed assignments and/or exams, and have not responded to communication.
The standard timeline to complete unfinished work is four weeks into the following semester. However, instructors may shorten or extend that timeline based on their discretion and the type of work that remains. An “I” grade will temporarily affect the GPA until a final grade is submitted, at which point the GPA will re-calculate.
Failure to meet the instructor’s timeline or submit the full amount of designated assignments will result in an appropriate grade based on attendance and participation without the missing work.
Students may register for classes during the previous term, beginning on their assigned enrollment appointment date viewable in Student Center under Student Business on Wolverine Access.
Students register for classes under Backpack/Registration in Student Center on Wolverine Access. Using the “add” tab, students browse or search for classes to add to their Backpack. To finalize enrollment and reserve a spot in a course, students must select the course from their Backpack, click “Proceed to Step 2 of 3,” then click “Finish Registering.” A green checkmark will be displayed for each course that was successfully added to the student’s schedule. If enrollment in a course was unsuccessful, a red “x” will be displayed, accompanied by a description of the error.
Upcoming dates and additional information regarding Early Registration and Backpack can be found on the U-M Office of the Registrar’s Academic Calendar page.
Private lessons/independent study: When searching for private lessons and/or independent study courses in Wolverine Access, students should always check the box labeled “Include Independent Study Classes” to ensure that all applicable courses are displayed.
Instructor consent: Some courses require instructor consent to enroll. Students interested in joining such courses should contact the instructor of the course directly for permission to enroll.
Waitlisting a course: If a class is full or closed and a waitlist is available, students may add themselves to the waitlist by checking the box labeled “Waitlist Okay if Class is Full” and registering normally. Note: This box cannot be checked directly from the Backpack and must either be checked as the course is added to the student’s Backpack or from the Backpack by first clicking on the course number to show the details of the course.
Overriding a time conflict: Students can override class time conflicts by checking the box labeled “Override Time Conflict” and registering normally. Note: This box cannot be checked directly from the Backpack and must either be checked as the course is added to the student’s Backpack or from the Backpack by first clicking on the course number to show the details of the course.
Degree or Principal Instrument Changes
With approval by the appropriate department, students may change the degree to which they were originally admitted, their principal instrument, or they may add a second degree within SMTD. In all cases, an application or Change of Degree form, and an interview, portfolio, and/or audition will be required.
Students should email [email protected] to initiate the process of changing or adding a degree program.
Dual Degree with SMTD and Another U-M School/College
Undergraduate students who have been initially admitted to both SMTD and another academic unit at U-M must complete and submit a Dual Degree Status form at first year orientation in order to finalize their status as a dual degree student.
Undergraduates who were only admitted to SMTD, but are interested in pursuing a dual degree may apply to another academic unit at U-M beginning in the Fall term of the Sophomore year. Students should speak with an Advisor or the Admissions department within the school/college of interest for details on admission requirements.
All dual degree students will have an academic advisor in each unit and should meet regularly with both to ensure progress. Though there may be some crossover with requirements, students are expected to complete all coursework within each individual degree. Additionally, dual degree students should plan on a longer path to degree completion in order to accommodate the balance between course load, credit hours, and scheduling. Students may not graduate from one degree program before the other; both must be granted at the same time.
Current recognized dual degree programs include:
- SMTD and the College of Literature, Science and Arts (requires completion of a minimum of 150 total credits)
- SMTD and LS&A Honors (requires completion of a minimum of 150 total credits)
- SMTD and the Residential College (requires completion of a minimum of 150 total credits)
- SMTD and the College of Engineering
- SMTD and the School of Information
- SMTD and the School of Art and Design
- SMTD and the School of Natural Resources
- SMTD and the School of Kinesiology
- SMTD and the Ross School of Business
Students should email [email protected] for more information about adding a dual degree or to request a Dual Degree Status (MDDP) form.
Transfer Credit
Information for Undergraduate Students:
High School Dual Enrollment Transfer Credit
High school students who dually enroll for courses at accredited institutions of higher education may receive credit towards undergraduate degree programs at SMTD. College or university credits earned in either on-campus or off-campus programs are eligible for consideration at SMTD.
Transfer Credit for Current Students
Acceptance of courses and credits deemed suitable for transfer to SMTD is determined in accordance with guidance and evaluation from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA), and SMTD faculty. Among factors influencing the determination of acceptability are 1) accreditation status of the institution that offered the course, 2) comparable academic quality, 3) a grade of “C” or better, 4) the basis for student evaluation, and 5) the relationship of the course to other course offerings by SMTD.
SMTD will assess whether individual courses meet standards for being awarded transfer credit. Students interested in petitioning for the acceptance of transfer credit for any course taken outside of the U-M are encouraged to retain course documents such as the course syllabus along with samples of their work to facilitate SMTD’s evaluation. While SMTD supports students in making full use of potential transfer credits, SMTD retains the right to determine if individual courses fully meet its standards and expectations, as set by SMTD faculty.
Courses in music, theatre, and dance that have been applied to a degree completed elsewhere are not applicable toward the completion of a degree in the SMTD. The final decision on the acceptability of transfer credit is made by the SMTD. Acceptable course credits earned in other institutions are recorded on the student’s academic record at U-M, but grades earned in those courses are not transferred or recorded. This system assumes that a student’s original transcript will carry the previous academic record adequately. Only grades earned at U-M are used in computing the final grade point average.
Students interested in transferring credits to SMTD should contact an Academic Advisor prior to course election to ensure if, and how a class may be accepted.
Transferring Credit Completed Prior to Enrollment
Some or all credits completed by undergraduate transfer students at another college or university may be accepted for transfer. The Undergraduate Admissions Office evaluates non-music academic credits and the SMTD evaluates all professional credit. Previous courses may grant equivalent course credit if they correspond closely to a U-M course, or grant departmental credit in a general subject area.
A maximum of 75 hours of transfer credit can be applied toward a bachelor’s degree in the SMTD. A maximum of 62 hours may be transferred from an accredited two-year college. Students who have transferred 62 credit hours or more may only transfer additional hours from a four-year accredited college.
Information for Masters Students:
With the permission of the Associate Dean, up to six credit hours earned at another institution may be transferred to a student’s graduate record, provided:
- The courses were not used to meet the requirements of another degree.
- The courses were approved for graduate credit at the institution offering them, and that institution is accredited to offer graduate degrees.
- A grade of “B” or higher was received.
- The courses were completed not more than five years prior to the term of initial enrollment in the graduate division of the SMTD and not more than six years prior to the awarding of the graduate degree sought in the SMTD.
- Written approval of the student’s major department is provided.
- The student has completed at least eight hours of work in the graduate division of the SMTD with an average grade of “B” or higher. Extension credit from other institutions will not be transferred.
Course Drop/Add and Term Withdrawals
Course Add and Course Withdrawal Policies for Undergraduate Students
These policies are effective as of Fall 2023 for all current and new undergraduate students.
Course Add
Important: It is not the responsibility of any instructor to know or communicate the following P/F policy; other units on campus may have different policies and instructors may have students from multiple units in one class. SMTD students (or dual degree students with SMTD as the Home School) must follow SMTD policies regardless of what unit houses the course elected.
Via Wolverine Access, students may freely add classes during the active registration period up until the third week of the Fall or Winter term. After the third week, active registration will close, and students must request a “late-add” through Wolverine Access.
Late-add requests after the ninth week of the semester must be approved by the instructor who may email [email protected]. Please note, late-adds after the ninth week may not receive approval.
Course Withdrawal (aka course drop)
Important: It is not the responsibility of any instructor to know or communicate the following P/F policy; other units on campus may have different policies and instructors may have students from multiple units in one class. SMTD students (or dual degree students with SMTD as the Home School) must follow SMTD policies regardless of what unit houses the course elected.
Via Wolverine Access, students may freely drop classes during the active registration period up until the third week of the Fall or Winter term. After the third week, active registration will close, and the following rules apply:
“Core” courses within a degree program may not be withdrawn after the active registration period (3 weeks into the term) for any reason.
- Core courses have been identified by department faculty as foundationally important to the student’s degree path and progression within the program. For a listing of core courses, please visit this link and navigate to the appropriate degree where core courses will be highlighted. (Please note, not all degree programs have core courses identified.)
- Students who experience difficulty (academic or otherwise) in a core course should speak to the instructor immediately. Instructors are willing to work with students to address emerging issues and ensure success, which is essential to maintaining degree progress and adequate preparation for advanced coursework.
Between the third and ninth week of the Fall or Winter semester, students may request the “late-drop” of a course (outside of designated core courses) by going through Wolverine Access. Instructor approval is required. Courses dropped within this time frame will be tagged with a “W” on the transcript. This “W” is an indicator of withdrawal, does not affect GPA in any way, and cannot be expunged for any reason.
After the 9th week of the semester, students may not withdraw from any course, SMTD or otherwise. (Please remember as stated above, core courses cannot be withdrawn after the third week.)
- If a personal emergency arises after the ninth week, documentation may be required to petition an appeal of this deadline.
Students may not withdraw from more than 6 individual courses overall.
- Full term withdrawals due to medical circumstances will only count as 1 course toward the 6 maximum
Students who withdraw from more than one course (but not all courses) in an individual semester will be placed on Preliminary Probation.
- Preliminary Probation indicates a watch to ensure that students do not fall into academic distress; this notation is internal only, and is not added to the unofficial or official transcript.
- One or more additional course withdrawals in the following term will result in Academic Probation regardless of GPA.
- While an Academic Probation notation is added to the unofficial transcript, this will be expunged once the student demonstrates successful completion of the following term’s course load without any course withdrawals.
Individual exceptions to the above policies due to unforeseen medical issues may be considered with timely communication and appropriate documentation. Exceptions are not guaranteed, so please reach out to instructors or an Academic Advisor as soon as circumstances arise, otherwise, assistance may not be possible.
Course Withdrawals from Previous Semesters
Students may only request the withdrawal of a non-graded course (NR/ED/I) from a previous term no later than 3 weeks into the following semester; a withdrawal petition must be submitted and approved:
- Petitions will be reviewed by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) in consultation with the instructor, and must include:
- Statement from the instructor approving the withdrawal
- Justification for withdrawal and why the request was not submitted by the deadline
- Medical documentation, if applicable
- Petitions that do not meet the deadline and justification requirements will not be considered. Approval of a non-graded course withdrawal from a previous term is not guaranteed.
Courses that have already been graded (A+ – E, P/F, CR/NC) cannot be withdrawn for any reason.
- Students who wish to appeal a posted grade must initiate a formal grade dispute through the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Course Add and Course Withdrawal Policies for non-Rackham Graduate Students
These policies are effective as of Fall 2023 for all current and new non-Rackham graduate students.
Course Add
Important: It is not the responsibility of any instructor to know or communicate the following P/F policy; other units on campus may have different policies and instructors may have students from multiple units in one class. SMTD students must follow SMTD policies regardless of what unit houses the course elected.
Via Wolverine Access, students may freely add classes during the active registration period up until the third week of the Fall or Winter term. After the third week, active registration will close, and students must request a “late-add” through Wolverine Access.
Late-add requests after the ninth week of the semester must be approved by the instructor who may email [email protected]. Please note, late-adds after the ninth week may not receive approval.
Course Withdrawal or Course Drop
Important: It is not the responsibility of any instructor to know or communicate the following P/F policy; other units on campus may have different policies and instructors may have students from multiple units in one class. SMTD students must follow SMTD policies regardless of what unit houses the course elected.
Via Wolverine Access, students may freely drop classes during the active registration period up until the third week of the Fall or Winter term. After the third week, active registration will close and students may request the “late-drop” of a course up until the ninth week of the semester by going through Wolverine Access. Instructor approval is required. Courses dropped within this time frame will be tagged with a “W” on the transcript. This “W” is an indicator of withdrawal, does not affect GPA in any way, and cannot be expunged for any reason. After the ninth week, the following rules apply:
Students may not withdraw from any course, SMTD or otherwise.
- If a personal emergency arises after the ninth week, documentation may be required to petition an appeal this deadline.
Disenrolling / Withdrawing from All Courses
Students who wish to withdraw from all registered classes must contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) for a term withdrawal request. A full term withdrawal cannot be completed by the student via Wolverine Access, even within the active registration period.
Students who request a term withdrawal that is processed prior to the first day of classes will receive a tuition refund, and registered classes are expunged from the student record.
Term withdrawals that are requested and processed after the start of the semester are subject to tuition deadlines set by the University Registrar’s Office. Please use the “Registration Deadlines” tab for full information.
A term withdrawal after the third week of the Fall or Winter semester will result in a “W” posted for each class. “W”s are indicators of course withdrawal, do not affect GPA in any way, and cannot be expunged.
Course Waivers and Substitutions
Students who wish to request a substitution or waiver of a required course within a degree program must first speak with an Academic Advisor who will determine if the request is warranted, or if an alternate plan may allow the completion of the required class. If the request is applicable, a petition form will be sent via email requiring the consideration of the student’s department, faculty advisor, Director of Academic Affairs, and/or the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Students should speak with an Advisor in the term prior to the requested substitution or waiver, as approval is not guaranteed and scheduling adjustments may be necessary. There is no credit granted for waived courses.
Independent Study
Students may propose an independent study course with an SMTD faculty member when a particular topic or area of study is not covered by regularly scheduled course offerings. If the faculty member agrees, details of the proposed independent study should be discussed and an Independent Study Proposal form should be submitted prior to the start of the term in which the independent study will take place. Note: faculty members are not required to sponsor independent study courses. Students wishing to use an independent study to fulfill a specific degree requirement should consult an academic advisor prior to registration.
Students should email [email protected] to request an Independent Study Proposal form and in their email should include the name and department of the SMTD faculty member with whom they are proposing the independent study.
Application for Private Instruction or Secondary Lessons
Guidelines, Notification, and Registration Information
- Piano Private Lessons Fall 2024 Application
- Voice Private Lessons Fall 2024 Application
- Application for all other Fall 2024 Private Lessons
*Please note: In order to view the application form, Students must log in with their U-M account information only (uniquename and kerberos password). Students who are also logged-in to another email account may receive an error message.
Studio assignments are generally expected in the first week of term.
Unless noted below, students are required to complete the application for each term in which they are requesting private instruction.
Students from the following categories should apply:
- Non-SMTD (LSA, Engineering, Business, e.g.) students requesting private instruction in any instrument or voice.
- Non-candidate for degree (NCFD) students
- Dance or Theatre student requesting private instruction in any instrument or voice.
- Music Performance major or principal requesting instruction in a secondary performance area for which you have not auditioned.
New or continuing Music Performance majors or principals, new transfer students and Musical Theatre students electing voice lessons should not apply.
Non-SMTD Students: There will be a $250.00 course fee attached to Music Performance 150 & 500 courses. No exceptions will be made.
Non-SMTD undergraduate students, regardless of level, will be assigned to the 150 course in the chosen instrument. (150 denotes Non-SMTD student; it is not an indicator of proficiency.) 150 is the only option open to Non-SMTD undergrads; it is a 30-MINUTE LESSON AT 2 CREDITS PER TERM. Graduate students will be assigned to the 500 course number in the chosen instrument.
Please use the “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION” boxes to include relevant information. Department faculty do read and assess these applications, so students should be sure to add anything they feel is important. Responses should be succinct.
Students who have been accepted for private lessons will receive an override notice to their email account. Students will NOT automatically be enrolled in the course, and must REGISTER for the studio on Wolverine Access. After registering, students should contact their instructor to confirm and arrange a lesson time.
Please note that not all applicants can be placed. Available teacher-hours are limited, and priority is given to School of Music performance majors. Some departments may not be able to accommodate all applicants. Students who do not receive a studio override by the 2nd week of the term were not placed in a studio but may apply again before the start of next term.
Students who are seeking lessons in the winds or strings must have access to an instrument. Instruments will not be provided.
Please contact [email protected] with questions regarding applying for private instruction or secondary lessons.
DMA & PhD Exam & Committee Forms
Students in DMA & PhD programs can use their Forms Dashboard to submit required forms and keep track of their status with respect to their General Prelims, Oral Prelims, Dissertation, and committees. Please contact the Graduate Coordinator at [email protected]