Staff Awards
To recognize and honor the valuable contributions Staff bring to the SMTD, the Staff Representatives committee, with support from Dean David Gier, has implemented the annual SMTD Staff Recognition Awards.
Nominations (consisting of 300 words or less) may be submitted by SMTD Faculty and SMTD full time, part time, and seasonal staff. (Student nominations and self-nominations are not permitted.)
Nominations for the 2025 Staff Awards are now open! Please submit your nomination by Friday, March 7.
If it isn’t known which category a staff member falls under for eligibility, please check all categories that may apply and the nomination will be categorized appropriately when collected.
- Chosen recipients will not be eligible for Staff awards for a two year period after being selected.
- Faculty or Staff may submit nominations for more than one staff member, but cannot submit multiple nominations for one nominee.
David Aderente Staff Award
David Aderente Staff Award: $1000
David Aderente is a two-time alumnus of SMTD who served the School as Manager and Head Librarian for the Ensembles for 33 years. He established a staff support award upon his retirement in 2012, inspired to highlight the work of the extraordinary staff members who helped him navigate both the school and his professional life.
The Aderente Staff Award is to provide recognition of exemplary service by non-supervisory staff members currently employed by SMTD.
Recipients must meet the following criteria:
- Non-supervisory staff member with minimum two years of service and 50% appointment.
- Not a current student in the SMTD.
- Exempt and Non-Exempt staff are equally allowed.
- Recipients will be split into two groups for alternating years of consideration: Music/General Admin, and Theatre/Dance/UProd.
- NOTE: The 2025 David Aderente Staff Award will go to a Theatre, Dance, or UProd staff member.
Outstanding Supervisory Staff Award
SMTD Outstanding Supervisory Staff Member Award: $1500
The recipient of this award will be a full-time Staff member in a supervisory role who oversees at least one full-time, part-time, or seasonal Staff member and has passed the probationary period for initial employment.
Nominees should exhibit exemplary leadership skills, as well as qualities that instill motivation, trust, and confidence in others. This person will be a colleague that is known for dedication and unwavering support to the SMTD community.
Outstanding Support Staff Award
SMTD Outstanding Support Staff Member Award: $1500
The recipient of this award will be a full-time, part-time, or seasonal Staff member who does not supervise other full-time, part-time, or seasonal Staff (though may oversee student workers) and has passed the probationary period for initial employment.
Nominees should consistently demonstrate exceptional support to colleagues and the greater SMTD community with professionalism and kindness, and contribute above and beyond the ordinary fulfillment of listed duties.
Outstanding Staff Team Award
SMTD Outstanding Staff Team Award (2 or more Staff members): $1500
The recipients of this award (divided equally among members) will be a team of 2 or more full-time, part-time, or seasonal Staff members who work collaboratively on a one-time or ongoing project, and have passed the probationary period for initial employment.
The work of this team will contribute to overall efficiency, positively impacting Staff, Faculty, and students alike. Nominees on this team should provide support and motivation to each other, demonstrate patience, collegiality, and efforts in the interest of serving the SMTD community.
2024 David Aderente Award
2024 Outstanding Support Staff Award
2024 Outstanding Supervisory Staff Award
2024 Outstanding Team Award
Past Award Winners
- David Aderente Staff Award: Katie Gunning
- Outstanding Supervisory Staff Award: Greg Laman
- Outstanding Support Staff Award: Becky Olsen
- Outstanding Staff Team Award: Dan Erickson, Devon Miller, Elizabeth Gunderson, Rene Plante, Theresa Hartman, & TJ Williamson
2021-2022 WINNERS
- David Aderente Staff Award: Roger Arnett
- Outstanding Supervisory Staff Award: Michelle Terrell
- Outstanding Support Staff Award: Lyn Weber-Lynch
- Outstanding Staff Team Award: Engagement & Outreach
Send an Appreciation Card to your co-workers!