DEI Learning Opportunities for SMTD Faculty & Staff

All SMTD Faculty and Staff have access to DEI related training and workshops in both in-person and asynchronous modalities.  Follow the links to the right to see a running list of free, asynchronous resources available to you, which we will continue to update as more DEI-learning opportunities become available. Follow the calendar link for synchronous opportunities for individuals or groups. We encourage you to explore these opportunities and if you have questions/suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Asynchronous U-M DEI Learning Opportunities

Understanding Privilege

Description: Privilege is often misunderstood when used in a DEI context. An individual can have privilege in one area and not another. Life may not have been easy, yet an individual could still have elements of privilege. In this interactive session, we will explore the nuances around privilege as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Identify types of privilege and where you have/don’t have privilege
  • Determine ways elements of privilege intersect
  • Define “white privilege” and why it may seem controversial
  • Spot areas where hidden privilege may exist
  • Describe how privilege affects work relationships and team dynamics

You will benefit by:

  • Gaining an understanding of the types of privilege and the effects on ourselves and others
  • Obtaining language that can be used when the topic of privilege comes up in conversation
  • Having a better understanding of how different elements of privilege can impact the workplace


Behavioral Interviewing: How to Reduce Bias in Interviewing through Consistent Hiring Processes

Description: Training your interviewers is an important and often overlooked piece of a fair and effective hiring process. Well-trained interviewers protect your department from unintentional discrimination and ensure a process that results in better hires for your team.

All are welcome, whether you are new to interviewing, want a refresher, or just want insight into the interviewing process. 

This training will cover the following topics:

  • Behavioral Based Interviewing vs Traditional Interviewing 
  • Evaluating/Assessing Candidate Answers
  • Proper Interview Note Taking Techniques 
  • Utilizing Rubrics 
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Legal & Illegal Interview Questions

Course Details

Workshop Objectives

After this workshop, attendees will be able to identify:

  • The difference between Traditional vs Behavioral Based Interviews
  • How to implement the STAR Model
  • How to ask legal interview questions / avoid illegal inquiries
  • How to control and manage the interview


Aisha Brooks
Talent Management Specialist
Michigan Medicine Human Resources

Unconscious Bias 

Description: Understanding and mitigating bias is a lifelong journey. This course provides a review of bias, explores what bias can look like and how it shows up in the workplace. We specifically look at the types of bias common in the workplace and platforms that allow bias to thrive; while discussing strategies you can use to interrupt and mitigate bias.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Recognize unconscious, institutional and racial bias
  • Identify how individuals participate in upholding a culture of bias
  • Develop strategies for how to interrupt and mitigate bias in the workplace

You will benefit by:

  • Implementing strategies to interrupt and mitigate bias in the workplace
  • Integrating strategies into organizational structures to reduce unconscious, institutional and racial bias in your workplace
  • Becoming a better colleague to the various individuals in your workplace

Anti-Racism Primer 

Description: In the midst of all of the violence, racism, hate crimes and so much more happening in our communities, many are asking, “What can I do?” With so much to be done, it can be difficult to know where to begin. As we move toward action, we can find ourselves afraid to make mistakes. We may also feel that we must figure it all out before we act. In the midst of this we are bombarded with links, lists and ideas of what to do.

Joining the fight for justice means pushing through discomfort and fear and starting somewhere! This Anti-Racism Primer is designed to help you do just that

Change it Up! 

Description: Change It Up! brings bystander intervention skills to the University of Michigan community for the purpose of building inclusive, respectful and safe communities. It is based on a nationally recognized four-stage bystander intervention model that helps individuals intervene in situations that negatively impact individuals, organizations, and the campus community. The content in this program has been used for student groups across campus, and is now being offered for University of Michigan faculty and staff. Change It Up! provides opportunities for participants to discuss and practice how to leverage bystander intervention skills within their campus communities.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Identify self-awareness and social responsibility as qualities of strong personal leadership
  • Discuss your own and others’ identities and experiences
  • Determine the various options for effectively intervening during a negative situation
  • Develop your ability to assess which intervention option is based on the situation
  • Discuss and practice how to leverage bystander intervention skills within your campus community

You will benefit by:

  • Increasing your motivation to intervene in harmful situations
  • Gaining ability to assess the effectiveness of multiple options for intervention
  • Expanding your skills and confidence to successfully intervene in harmful situations

Culture Change Foundations: Improving Workplace Climate

Description: This foundational course will guide learners through the first step in embarking on a culture change journey. First, the course establishes a shared language for understanding and talking about what culture is, what climate is, and how the two are interrelated. Next, the course explores methods to affect climate and wraps up with a model for culture change. The model will help learners to consider principles and steps to create culture change that sticks.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Define culture, climate and how they are interrelated
  • Describe some methods to affect climate

You will benefit by:

  • Applying principles and steps to create culture change that sticks
  • Gaining a better understanding of culture and climate to improve relationships with others in your workplace

Leadership and Culture: Creating a Positive Work Environment

Description: Managers who understand organizational culture and climate can work to create an environment that is supportive, inclusive and values employees. This can lead to increased employee satisfaction, improved morale and higher levels of employee engagement. This foundational course provides managers with the tools and knowledge to lead a successful culture change journey within their team.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Determine the impact of supervisors on workplace culture and climate
  • Implement positive changes to cultivate a supportive work environment

You will benefit by:

  • Improving productivity and efficiency while fostering a healthy work-life balance
  • Growing employee engagement and commitment to the organization
  • Strengthening employee retention and attraction of top job candidates

Leadership and Culture: Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation

Description: Leaders play an important role in helping to prevent workplace issues and wrongdoing. This course gives leaders tools and strategies to create a more welcoming and respectful work environment. Interactive discussions, case studies and role-playing exercises will enhance learning. Leaders will be more prepared to:

  • Mitigate the negative impact of retaliation
  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Promote a harmonious work environment

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Determine strategies for building psychological safety and respect in the workplace
  • Apply a model to effectively receive and respond to feedback
  • Identify “undiscussables” that create barriers to speaking up
  • Use strategies to encourage help-seeking and issue-raising in others

You will benefit by:

  • Gaining tools to help you create an environment that prevents wrongdoing and retaliation
  • Practicing methods to give and receive feedback constructively
  • Executing methods to manage requests for confidentiality
  • Becoming more effective with employee complaint handling
  • Developing a plan to implement strategies in the workplace

Culture Change Foundations: Improving Workplace Climate

Description: This foundational course will guide learners through the first step in embarking on a culture change journey. First, the course establishes a shared language for understanding and talking about what culture is, what climate is, and how the two are interrelated. Next, the course explores methods to affect climate and wraps up with a model for culture change. The model will help learners to consider principles and steps to create culture change that sticks.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Define culture, climate and how they are interrelated
  • Describe some methods to affect climate

You will benefit by:

  • Applying principles and steps to create culture change that sticks
  • Gaining a better understanding of culture and climate to improve relationships with others in your workplace

Disability Awareness and Inclusion

Description: Disability is an integral part of the university’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. It is important to be part of a culture that supports and embraces disability inclusion. This session will cover: 

  • Background about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 
  • Ways to raise disability awareness and inclusion
  • Best practices for creating and maintaining inclusive working and learning environments
  • Content to dispel ableist myths and misconceptions about disability

We will engage in discussions about increasing accessibility and disability inclusion. Discussions will include how to do this at the university starting in our own units and departments. 

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Recognize and appropriately respond to requests for reasonable accommodations
  • Determine ways to create and maintain more inclusive environments for all employees
  • Establish ways to embrace disability for a more inclusive university environment

You will benefit by:

  • Recognizing the impact of language as it pertains to the topic of disability
  • Being able to communicate better with individuals who disclose their own disabilities
  • Communicating effectively with those who may be requesting reasonable accommodations
  • Knowing how to consider disability inclusion and accessibility when creating spaces, programs or services

LGBTQIA+: An Introduction to Inclusive Language

Description: This course aims to shift our culture to be more LGBTQIA+ friendly. When it comes to attractionality and gender identity, language is so important. It helps us to acknowledge, respect and affirm the diversity of bodies, genders and relationships that exist at U-M. We’ll discuss roadblocks and challenges some people face when using inclusive language. After identifying those challenges, we will share strategies to make practicing easier. We’ll also learn how to use them in interactions with patients, students, staff and colleagues.

Course Details

You will learn to:

  • Identify gender inclusive language and how to use it appropriately

  • Use inclusive terms related to sexual orientation and gender identity

  • Determine strategies to use when faced with challenges to using inclusive language

You will benefit by:

  • Understanding why it is important to use gender inclusive language

  • Gaining skills to apply inclusive terms and concepts to daily interactions

  • Having resources you can use to encourage using more inclusive language  


Description: Sometimes actions in our community keep us from being at our best. We may witness or know things in our community that are not ethical, not safe, or go against a university policy. We then have to decide. Will we say something or do nothing? This training reinforces the university’s commitment to preventing retaliation and protecting those who report improper behavior. We want you to have the information and resources needed for support if you need to speak up.

Course Details

This online module will help faculty and staff:

  • Discover what retaliation looks like and how to prevent it
  • Learn about the new policy to protect you from retaliation
  • Identify where to go to ask confidential questions about taking action, and explore where to report if you decide to do so

Participation in this online module is highly recommended for all faculty and staff members, including student and temporary employees. The module will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Introduction to LGBTQIA2S+ Communities and Identities web course


Introduction to LGBTQIA2S+ Communities and Identities was developed and published by the University of Michigan Spectrum Center with two goals in mind: expand our current educational offerings and provide a way to teach fundamental LGBTQIA2S+ terms and topics outside of our workshops.

In this course we provide an overview of terms and topics related to gender, sexuality, and marginalization, with a focus on terms relevant to LGBTQIA2S+ communities. We also aim to disrupt misinformation you may have encountered, or even internalized, about LGBTQIA2S+ people. Our hope is that everyone will find value in this course.

This course is just a starting point. It is designed to complement classroom learning and additional professional development opportunities related to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging. Participation in this course is voluntary, unless you are completing it prior to attending one of our more advanced educational workshops.

This course is focused on vocabulary and core concepts.  It is important to note that language related to identity  is complicated, culturally-bound, and ever-evolving. Language is often highly contested. Although the frames and definitions we provide were carefully researched, rigorously discussed, and thoughtfully crafted, they are not universal.  Again, this course is a starting point. We hope this is just a part of your learning journey about gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA2S+ identities.

Course Details

Learning outcomes

Upon taking this web course, participants will be able to:

  1. Deepen their understanding of LGBTQIA2S+ identities and communities.
  2. Gain understanding of terminology related to gender, sexuality, and attractionality.
  3. Make distinctions between the following concepts:
      • birth-assigned sex and gender.
      • gender identity, gender expression, and gender attribution.
      • sexuality and sexual orientation/identity.
  4. Identify different forms of oppression that impact the LGBTQIA2S+ communities.
  5. Name and engage two inclusive and affirming practices.

This course was developed to replace our previous Intro to LGBTQ+ Identities & Inclusive Language Workshop with the intention of establishing participants’ solid foundation of knowledge prior to live workshops. Our aim is that our workshops will be more engaging and enriching when more folks come to the space on a more comparable level of understanding.

Culture Journey Values Toolkit

Description: Welcome! This toolkit is designed for individuals, leaders and teams to learn more about U-M’s core values, and provide resources to support putting these values into action. Our core values define our identity and purpose, and serve as a compass to guide decision-making, actions and interactions within the organization. Demonstrating these values is essential as we pursue excellence and carry out the university’s mission.


Asynchronous External DEI Learning Opportunities


Anti-racism is active promotion of social justice, equity, intentional diversity, and inclusivity. This section features resource toolkits and workshops to further your understanding of anti-racist practices.

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Organizational Culture

Asynchronous courses, and resource toolkits to promote an inclusive, cohesive organizational environment.

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Bias and Diversity

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) focused resources to increase interpersonal empathy and promote inclusivity both in the workplace in daily life.

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Gender and Sexuality

Activities, curricula, resources, and trainings on sexual and gender identity, focusing on a variety of LGBTQIA2S+ topics.

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Resources on anti-ableism and disability justice.

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Resource Toolkits

AFN It’s Our Time Toolkit
by Assembly of First Nations
22 learning modules on important First Nations topics to ensure both students and teachers are learning in and out of the classroom, with a fuller textbook option as well.

“Inviting In” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC)

A facilitation guide on “inviting in” queer loved ones as a counter to the idea of “coming out.”

“Words Matter: Gender Justice” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC)
A facilitation guide on protecting, uplifting, and empowering queer communities, with a focus on justice and Black & queer intersectionality.

“Words Matter: HIV Stigma” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition
A facilitation guide focusing on destigmatizing HIV/AIDS, highlighting the experiences of Black, queer individuals.



Organizational Culture

Resource Toolkits and Courses

Ableism Inclusion Training: Fostering a Culture of Equity and Empathy
by Elm Learning

An anti-ableism workshop guide including a helpful presentation.

Nonprofit Ready DEI Courses
by — Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation
On demand DEI resources with the creation of a free account. Learn about a variety of topics with courses like “Intro to Unconscious Bias” and “Invisible Disabilities.”

Welcoming Dialogue on Religious Bias Toolkit
by the University of Arizona
A crash course on facilitating dialogue on religious diversity and bias.


Bias and Diversity

Resource Toolkits and Courses

Ableism Inclusion Training: Fostering a Culture of Equity and Empathy
by Elm Learning

An anti-ableism workshop guide including a helpful presentation.

AFN It’s Our Time Toolkit
by Assembly of First Nations
22 learning modules on important First Nations topics to ensure both students and teachers are learning in and out of the classroom, with a fuller textbook option as well.

DDP Social Justice Access Toolkit
by Detroit Disability Power
An introductory guide to disability and accessible language and practices

Indiana University Bloomington Training Resources
by Indiana University Bloomington
Recorded educational lectures and trainings on various topics. Learn from courses with titles such as “Allyship,” “Intersectionality,” “Identity,” and “Self & Labels.”

Nonprofit Ready DEI Courses
by — Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation
On demand DEI resources with the creation of a free account. Learn about a variety of topics with courses like “Intro to Unconscious Bias” and “Invisible Disabilities.”

Understanding and Challenging HIV Stigma Toolkit For Action
by International Center for Research on Women

An extensive toolkit for addressing and challenging HIV/AIDS stigma.

Welcoming Dialogue on Religious Bias Toolkit
by the University of Arizona
A crash course on facilitating dialogue on religious diversity and bias.


Gender and Sexuality

Resource Toolkits and Courses

Adapting Family Finding & Engagement Practices for LGBTQ+ Young People
Information on how to support young LGBTQIA2S+ individuals in the family finding and engagement process.

Indiana University Bloomington Training Resources
by Indiana University Bloomington
Recorded educational lectures and trainings on various topics. Learn from courses with titles such as “Allyship,” “Intersectionality,” “Identity,” and “Self & Labels.”

“Inviting In” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC)

A facilitation guide on “inviting in” queer loved ones as a counter to the idea of “coming out.”

LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention & Sensitivity Training
by The Trevor Project
Interactive training for education professionals providing an overview of suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.

Reform the Locker Room
by The Trevor Project
Training in partnership with Puma on creating inclusive spaces for queer athletes.

The Safe Zone Project Activities
by The Safe Zone
Activities and curricula available for download, addressing various topics on allyship and queer identity. Topics include “Demystifying Coming Out,” “Core Vocabulary,” and “Identity Signs.”

Understanding and Challenging HIV Stigma Toolkit For Action
by International Center for Research on Women

An extensive toolkit for addressing and challenging HIV/AIDS stigma.

“Words Matter: Gender Justice” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC)
A facilitation guide on protecting, uplifting, and empowering queer communities, with a focus on justice and Black & queer intersectionality.

“Words Matter: HIV Stigma” Toolkit
by National Black Justice Coalition
A facilitation guide focusing on destigmatizing HIV/AIDS, highlighting the experiences of Black, queer individuals.




Resource Toolkits and Courses

Ableism Inclusion Training: Fostering a Culture of Equity and Empathy
by Elm Learning

An anti-ableism workshop guide including a helpful presentation.

DDP Social Justice Access Toolkit
by Detroit Disability Power
An introductory guide to disability and accessible language and practices

Disability Justice Education Toolkit
by UMass Amherst
A guide with media resources and discussion questions for groups, including the foundations of disability as an identity

Nonprofit Ready DEI Courses
by — Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation
On demand DEI resources with the creation of a free account. Learn about a variety of topics with courses like “Intro to Unconscious Bias” and “Invisible Disabilities.”